As near as i can seriously tell from seriously observing numerous fight instances its the randomness that the programmers totally got right. I really dont think there is any think you can do to make sure you get to fight first. its like when everyone steps in there is a unseen arrow that spins and whoever it lands on gets to have that side go first and then everything is in order clock wise beginning with the first person in that sides sigil. Kinda would be cool at first if it were totally random and no one knows who is going to attack next, but then it would soon get aggrivating cause then the randomness would mean more skips happen rather than the skips that happen now that happens when the game is due for a maintenance cause everything is lagging so needs to be reset. Which is still aggrevating but is fixed the day after maintenance is done, but i havent seen in a while which makes me wonder if the offices of the programmers in in a flurry with papers flying cause they in a rush to bug out the bugs bugging the system, or if the server operators are holding everyone else at bay saying the darn thing is working so dont you dare add anything untill we get complaints that the system is slowing down and causing just cause to allow such events as upgrades as any cliche thats been around longer than Prof. Ambrose can remember can confirm that cliches longer than he been around and not just can remember is a cliche that works and that cliche that seems to be working is "if it isnt broke dont fix it" which seems to be holding true cause it seems everyone is getting decent connection at least on the connection side that links to ki servers and not necessarily the connections that connects to the peoples computer server. Not saying KI isnt human cause they are very much human i just mean human side as per game players not that you need to be a game player to be human. So as far as things go rather than try to figure out what the common cause and effect or even whatever predictability you can predict you can forget it cause i would testify in court and well into the after life that beyond a reasonable doubt the one thing the programmers really did better than any one else at programming was the randomness of the program. so quit figuring and start playing and wherever that darn invisible arrow lands on dont worry as either your side is first or the other side is first and either way it is so totally up to you and your side to make sure you and your side does not allow the other side to win cause if they win then not only are the chances good that you got to fight them again you also lost the opportunity to get that totally random drop you may have got when you lost the fight which could have been a drop that was a ton better than the drop you ended up getting cause the random number generator which at that time was blessed by moodha to give you the best possible drop possible ended up being nothing but a pair of boots that you couldnt even jump a puddle in cause you were too worried that your side was going to go first rather than being the last ones standing in the fight.