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Question for Game regarding sheilds

May 31, 2009
I know an absorb takes away 100% of the hit until the absorb is gone, this is its purpose to block damage. If the hit is strong enough it can remove the absorb. The absorb is limited in its protection, Not a percent but a number.
But My question is refering to two other sheilds, One is the Tripple sheilds that remove 50% on storm ,fire and Ice hits, When a player has a 50% protection from this sheild and then an Ice wizard places a tower sheild on it also, then the tower sheild is 50% also. So now you have two sheilds totaling 50% + 50% = 100% Just like the absorb now you should be protected from the next hit 100% and suffer zero damage, If My thinking on this is correct......Reason I bring this up is we get damage, even with two sheilds at 50% each when the hit occurs you will get damage.
Is it perhaps a Bug or something that I am not aware of or is it something from the game i dont know or understand, Please help me and others understand why this does not come out to be zero damage.... :)

Aug 12, 2009
I could be wrong, but I figured it was a running total.

For example:
Monster A: Casts Bolt for 1000 storm damage
You: Have a balance shield which negates 50% of the damage when it triggers, reducing the damage to 500.
You: Also have a tower shield which negates 50% of the damage when it triggers, reducing the now 500 damage to 250.

You then take the remaining 250 damage.

Devin Darksong – Grandmaster Necromancer – lvl 50 Death
Digby Darksong – Grandmaster Theurgist – lvl 50 Life
Duncan Darksong – Grandmaster Sorcerer – lvl 50 Balance
Dylan Darksong – Grandmaster Diviner – lvl 50 Storm
Dustan Darksong – Grandmaster Conjurer – lvl 50 Myth
Dolan Darksong – Master Thaumaturge - lvl 50 Ice

Mar 09, 2009
You are doing your math wrong. I at first thought the same as you, but look at it this way:

You have 2 50% shields on yourself

To make it easier for the math, lets say the bad guy hits you with a 100 damage attack.
The first shield triggers, lowering your damage from 100 to 50. Then the second shield triggers, lowering the 50 damage to 25 damage.
The shield percentages are NOT cumulative as you may think, they are added as they go along. I believe the animations show that you use 2 shields at the same time, when they actually aren't. This was probably done to speed up gameplay.

Rogan Firehammer