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Taunt And Distract spells?

Feb 15, 2009
Please post a reply if you have an answer to this question. I recently obtained a new spell: Taunt. What exactly does this do? I see no change in my opponents dueling behavoir at all. Then there's a similar spell, Distract. Again, what does these spells do. I need answers and I believe someone out there has one.

Jasmine Frostbreaker
Adept Thautmaturge
Level 20

P.s sorry for such a dramatic ending sentence. I have the the theatre bug!!!

Jul 14, 2008
Both of those spells are used to distract and taunt an enemy, so that they attack you and not a friend if you are with one. I have a minion that uses them and its very helpful because it buys me time to attack in a boss battle.

May 31, 2010
Taunt generates threat on all enemies , distact is for a single enemy.

What these spell do , is make the enemy attack you , instead of other members of your group. I use taunt when my level 50 death wiz is playing in a group . So the enemies will attack me . Its a bit easier for me to heal.

These spells should work nicely for a theatre bug too , since it will ensure you get all the attention .

A+ Student
Jan 05, 2009
trickster201 wrote:
Please post a reply if you have an answer to this question. I recently obtained a new spell: Taunt. What exactly does this do? I see no change in my opponents dueling behavoir at all. Then there's a similar spell, Distract. Again, what does these spells do. I need answers and I believe someone out there has one.

Jasmine Frostbreaker
Adept Thautmaturge
Level 20

P.s sorry for such a dramatic ending sentence. I have the the theatre bug!!!

There are several spells out there designed to modify the 'Threat' level. What this means is that each player in a battle is assigned an initial threat level (with sun position getting the highest). As the battle progresses, the more damage you do to a foe, the higher your threat level grows. If you have the highest threat level, you attract the most attention (ie damaging spells, traps, -damage mods, etc).

Taunt draws attention to you, telling your foes you are the biggest and baddest, so target me.

Calm reduces your threat level (ie, shifts it to your friends) so you get attacked less.

Note, these are only effective when in combat with others on your side.

Dec 17, 2008
Threat is an invisible in-game mechanic that pretty much decides how much your opponent wants to attack you. This only works on NPC's, not on other wizards.

When you increase threat to a target, you're making that target more likely to attack you. If you reduce threat on a target, that target is more likely to attack something else. If you're soloing, then this does nothing basically.

Threat also increases when you do damage on an NPC. The NPC is going to attack the person who does the most damage to it because that has a larger threat, but spells like subdue can reverse this effect.

Basically, though, these spells are rarely used, except by minions like Storm's Water Elemental, which casts elemental shields on itself and uses a taunt on all enemies.

Feb 19, 2009
I can provide an answer :) Taunt, which is an offensive spell, pulls an enemy's attention towards you. This spell is REALLY useful if you are Ice or Life, so you can keep enemies attention off them so they can damage while you heal as Life or do the tank role as Ice taking the damage. Distract however, is the exact opposite. It draws attention of the enemies AWAY from you. Useful if you have low amounts of health. These spells dont work in PvP unless you opponent has a minion but still it would be sort of pointless.

Justin IronBreaker Level 50 Myth
Alex NightShade Level 50 Death
Matthew StormHaven Level 47 Storm

Jul 04, 2010
From what i've notice, taunt will change who the ai targets. I've never used it, but, all of my minions do. Sometimes it works and other it doesn't.

I don't know about distract.

May 20, 2010
Taunt has no effect on PvP.

Taunt is supposed to cause the PvE enemies to attack the taunter, as opposed to the first wizard in line or the wizard doing the most attacking. It seems to work best when cast by the Storm Minion.

Distract does about the same thing.

May 02, 2009
Those spells are useless in pvp (unless there's a minion out).

Basically, what those spells do is draw the enemies attention to you (i.e. enemies will start to attack you more). in solo play, they're pretty useless, however, when playing with others, they can help allot.

example: say your partner is getting pounded constantly and is struggling to keep alive. you can use taunt or distract to make the monsters focus their attacks on you instead of your partner, giving them more time to recover from the beating they took.

In pvp, they're only useful on minions, otherwise those spells dont do anything.

Hope I helped.

Feb 15, 2009
Thank you so much for those answers! Now I understand the spells concepts! I am so grateful that there is so much helpful wizards out there. I will definitely be using this spell in future battles.

Jasmine Frostbreaker
Adept Thautmatuge
Level 20