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hybrid talents

Jan 29, 2010
just want to start a new post. does anyone have a hybrid that has better talents than its parents? I have six grands and over a dozen hybrids. I have invested weeks of time leveling my hybrids only to be dissappointed in the result. I thought they were special with possible rare talents. 1 out of twelve would be rare but I have none that are better or equal to the parents although some cost over 160000 gold just to hatch. anyone need a wraith? I have six spare. A few extra hydras also. KI should I quit trying or maybe six hours a day for another month might get me a rare pet talent?
Or should I expect to work on this until spring? Or is my post putting me on a no talent list? (my paranoid side showing) All replies welcome. :?

May 22, 2009
The talents of the pets are inherited from their parents, so if you have two 'parents' with poor talents, the chances are greater to get another pet with poor talents. After getting too many hybrids with poor talents, I stopped hatching with ANY pet unless i liked the talents i saw when we entered the hatching progress. This has helped and I have gotten a few decent pets (even non-hybrids) that have much better talents than their 'parents'.

Hannah Lifebringer level 50 Life

May 09, 2010
It depends on what you mean by better.

Example: I have a satyr with 5% pp, 6% force and 5% accuracy. After several attempts hatching with my wraith. (I wanted to see if I could breed the 'may cast death shield' on a satyr). I ended up with a Woodland Haunter with 4% pp and may cast death blade and death shield.

I use a death sword, and usually spirit blades and traps, the extra blade wouldn't hurt when trying to shake off a weakness...a little extra punch; it would be even better if I had death as a secondary school. (i don't)

Since life has a weakness to death, having a pet that tosses up a death shield is a good thing. (right now the 'may use charms and wards' talent appears to be buggy, but let's assume for now it worked.)

Which is the better pet? One that boosts my school's power or one that offers defense from my school's strongest enemy and a blade as well?

The answer again is...it depends. If I'm fighting solo, I tend to use the pet that makes my wizard stronger, since I want to finish a fight as quickly as possible. When I'm in a team, i choose the pet that gives me the best defense, since that's the role I'm usually in. I need to stay alive, so I can keep the team alive, an extra shield from my pet, saves me using a turn having to cast on myself.

The thing about hybrids isn't that you'll going to create a better pet than it's parents, but that you're going to have to potential to create a pet that can do things that its parents never could; like having a life pet toss a death shield or have 9% resistance to death. Which if you're a life wizard, that's a good thing.

However this will take time and effort, a lot of time and effort and you have to start with good parents with the traits that you want. You also have to understand the limitations of the system. If you have two pets, one with 5% force and one that has 9%, you're not going to have a hybrid that's going to give you 12% force; you'll end up between 5% and 9%.

However, your hybrid may also give you a blade, or a shield, extra mana, health or something else that neither parent manifested, but had the potential for. That in my opinion can make it a better pet overall, not for one rare or special trait, but because of its combination of traits.

Jan 29, 2010
So if KI has given me my 48 level pets with really useless talents I am just stuck. I even hatched a stormdancer (not mine) with good talents with my frostcaller with bad talents. My now ancient stormdancer only has the useless talents from my frostcaller. I have 14 hybrids and looks is all any of them have for me except my epic ice hound. KI said it would fix the 48 pets with no pip boost. I have one or two they gave me with a 1% pip boost at adult. will it take epic to get 5%? Just confused and hours and hours and hours of work for useless pets. I hear others talk about talents their pets have. I guess mine will never measure up. sry just jealous. :(

Jul 15, 2009
bnelson383 wrote:
So if KI has given me my 48 level pets with really useless talents I am just stuck. I even hatched a stormdancer (not mine) with good talents with my frostcaller with bad talents. My now ancient stormdancer only has the useless talents from my frostcaller. I have 14 hybrids and looks is all any of them have for me except my epic ice hound. KI said it would fix the 48 pets with no pip boost. I have one or two they gave me with a 1% pip boost at adult. will it take epic to get 5%? Just confused and hours and hours and hours of work for useless pets. I hear others talk about talents their pets have. I guess mine will never measure up. sry just jealous. :(

Yep - More or less.
It is possible to 'breed in' good talents using a 'lesser' pet that has the talents that you want, but even that will be a gamble, and an expensive one at that.

Example: I bought a royal dragon from Blockbuster, which gives me a dryad card, 5%Ice Accuracy and 9% Ice Accuracy.

My class pet turned out to have pip-o-plenty and 3 passive traits.

Guess which one I run with.

I could try breeding the two, but the Colossus' stats are so lousy that I've been focusing most of my breeding attempts on a FireZilla that I bought last Christmas that has spell-proof and fire-proof and a 3rd gen firezilla that has pip-o-plenty, fire damage, fire accuracy, and a bloodline that includes both spell-proof and spritely.

Sep 04, 2010
I dont mean to change the subjects or anything but I was wondering is it normal for me to be getting a lot of Satyrs after hatching with a Collossus? Because I have at least 4 Satyrs and i'm trying to get a FrostCaller. :?

Apr 21, 2010