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How is Celestra to be a challenge or any fun

Aug 21, 2009
when with all the new blades everyone does so much damage when they attack that there is no real challenge to killing anything expecially when playing with a balance school player that boosts damage dealt so high that everything one hits dead in massive overkill?

Also, how is there any challenge at all when everyone is casting dispels all the time so that no one hardly ever gets even attacked?

Unless these issues are resolved I see Celestra as being a huge flop. Sure many people will play it at first, but when all challenge is stripped from the game then the game is in its last days as other games offering challenge will be far better to play.

The introduction of all the new stackable blades, and the introduction of all the dispels have really made this game into a bit of a joke. Everyone does immense damage, everyone's health is too low to take such damage in the arena, and the once well balanced schools that everyone largely said there is no real advantage of one school over another are now heavily skewed towards the middle schools such as balance.

May 20, 2010
It will be no challenge for those of us who want a challenge. The problem is that the vast majority of players want to win every battle easily. They don't want a challenge. That's why the game keeps getting nerfed.

Jan 27, 2009
1 It's Celestia
2 There are no new blades, there haven't been since the launch of the game
3 I don't know anyone who actually uses dispels in any normal battle, the only battles i ever use them in are with cheating bosses. You not knowing this tells me that you aren't even close to beating ds and therefore this is none of your concern.

Aug 21, 2009
thunderbird120 wrote:
1 It's Celestra
2 There are no new blades, there haven't been since the launch of the game
3 I don't know anyone who actually uses dispels in any normal battle, the only battles i ever use them in are with cheating bosses. You not knowing this tells me that you aren't even close to beating ds and therefore this is none of your concern.

I use dispels quite a lot with my storm wizard. Dragon blades are new blades and now pets have blade casting talents. If my storm plays with a balance character (they plus up damage so very much) it will do around 12,000 damage to all in four turns time. If the new towers are any indication of Celestia, most attacks allowed will only be 1v1, in which case balance school pretty much rules. My balance character will do around 6,000 1v1 damage every three or four turns and that is without having a dragon blade.

Jan 03, 2009
thunderbird120 wrote:
1 It's Celestia
2 There are no new blades, there haven't been since the launch of the game
3 I don't know anyone who actually uses dispels in any normal battle, the only battles i ever use them in are with cheating bosses. You not knowing this tells me that you aren't even close to beating ds and therefore this is none of your concern.

I agree with thunderbird, there have been no new blades since the release of the game. Also have you noticed something, with each world the average health gets higher and further away from the last worlds average. For example:

wc average mob health: about 200
kt: 250-300
mb: 500
ms: 675
ds: 1,000

The increments get larger as it goes up. So instead of every world being the same, since both the enemies and us get better, they actually get harder. So if this pattern continues, celestia will be even more of a challenge than dragonspyre. Also for bosses:

wc average boss health: about 500
kt: 700
mb: 1,200
ms: 1,500-1,800
ds: 3,500- 4,000

So celestia mobs will average about 1,400 (maybe) and bosses about 6,000 (maybe). These are just guesses but showing from what we've seen they're probably more than I have here.

Sep 11, 2010
The OP might be referring to treasure card blades; which stack with the normal version of the spell (if you have a pet and gear that provides the same bonus, that also stacks).

From what I understand, the treasure card blades have always existed. That is how some people can manage such outright insane damage. However, that usually involves either a whole lot of rounds spent on nothing but buffing yourself (or some really insane team work on buffing a single person and avoiding someone triggering various traps with a wand), usually taking so long that you could have torn three holes through your target with normal spells in half the time.

The time factor also has an important aspect to it, as you only can bring so many healing spells (unless you are a life wizard, of course, but in that case your damage is usually nothing to cheer about), and you will usually run out before you have stacked enough blades to one-hit kill most larger bosses. That, or you waste a ton of rounds and treasure cards on an overkill of a normal mob.

With the right group, no, Celestia won't be any challenge. With the right group, nothing in the game poses much of a challenge (go into a fight with a balance; fire; life and ice wizard, all skilled at using their classes most efficiently, and then tell me if any duels in the game became more than minor speedbumps).

If you want a real challenge, impose one on yourself. No usage of prisms or treasure cards, for instance. Only using your secondary school spells for attack. Purposely avoiding health orbs. Not allowing yourself to use blades or traps or shields. Only allowing yourself to use treasure cards. Not allowing yourself to discard any cards on hand.

Really. There's a lot of ways you can make the game more challenging for yourself. Just because you have the option of mass-stacking blades and traps with the help of multiple people, doesn't mean that you have to do that every single time.

Self-imposed challenges are fun, and doesn't require you to scream at your screen in rage after you continually get defeated by cheating bosses and mobs.

Because, let's face it, while challenges can be fun, sometimes it's also just a whole lot of fun to unleash a sextuple bladed/trapped/aura'ed seven pip spell onto some poor, thoughtless goon that happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. :D

May 06, 2010
Nov 01, 2009
Also, along with the Celestia update, there is supposed to be change to the whole entire battle system. We have no idea how that is going to change the game play. They have had to change the current battle system because by the time you reach the end of Dragonspyre, your wizard has so much power pip percentage, and the bosses have so much resistance to their own schools, that there is little room for improvement at higher levels. Getting used to the changes that will occur in the game is going to be challenge enough, I think.

I personally am looking forward to what the new system is going to be like. It will be like playing a whole new game, I think.

Aug 21, 2009
ravenhecate wrote:
Also, along with the Celestia update, there is supposed to be change to the whole entire battle system. We have no idea how that is going to change the game play. They have had to change the current battle system because by the time you reach the end of Dragonspyre, your wizard has so much power pip percentage, and the bosses have so much resistance to their own schools, that there is little room for improvement at higher levels. Getting used to the changes that will occur in the game is going to be challenge enough, I think.

I personally am looking forward to what the new system is going to be like. It will be like playing a whole new game, I think.

I think all that needed to be done was to cut down the stackable blades and traps, all the other stuff plays about right and I'd hate to see pip chance lowered, cutting down max damage and quickly dealt stacked damage would make the game a lot more challenging and fun for me. Playing with a storm, a balance, and using feints its easy to deal over 12,000 damage across the board in only around four turns time.

Aug 12, 2009
Well said Bookshelvings. ::thumbs up::

Devin Darksong – Grandmaster Necromancer – lvl 50 Death
Digby Darksong – Grandmaster Theurgist – lvl 50 Life
Duncan Darksong – Grandmaster Sorcerer – lvl 50 Balance
Dylan Darksong – Grandmaster Diviner – lvl 50 Storm
Dustan Darksong – Grandmaster Conjurer – lvl 50 Myth
Dolan Darksong – Master Thaumaturge - lvl 50 Ice

Jan 27, 2009
We now know how it's going to be a chalange, all mobs start with 2 pips, can use level 48 spells, and gain power pips. Bosses start with 3 and sometimes cheat. That a challenge for you?

May 15, 2009
with the release of celestia on test realm i am VERY impressed with Kings Isle they REALLY outdid themselves
not only is every fight a challenge but the new system and cards it so cool!!!
this world also forces out noobs because unlike the other worlds
these monsters CAN and WILL use rank 7 spells like frost giant and storm lord meaning low levels wont be as well to pop up to celestia because these new monsters are quite skilled with their cards

I had to had friends with me with every boss and that dungeon * shudders* i needed minions to help too

this critical hit system is pretty cool too
its an aspect i never really thought of before until now which is pretty darn cool!

hope your having as much fun as i am

Samuel dragonsword-level 52 higher magician of storm & rising student of astral magic

Jul 27, 2009
if you want challenge dont use the new blades or spells.

so far i have gained 2 levels and i am only using what i brought with me.

other than my mounts.....

Sep 18, 2009
Seasnake you didnt know what they were going do. So how did you know what they were going to put in.