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Secondary Schools

Oct 03, 2009
I have some wizards that I don't have a secondary school yet. The types are fire,ice,storm,life,and myth. Tell me what secondary schools are the best for each type. :)

May 20, 2010
It depends on how you want to play. Some like defense (Tower Shield, Life healing spells), some like lots of buffs (Feint, Balance blade and trap for school).

Aug 21, 2009
Secondary school wise I'll typically go ice school up to tower shield, death school up to feint, and life school up to satyr.

Dec 17, 2008
seasnake wrote:
Secondary school wise I'll typically go ice school up to tower shield, death school up to feint, and life school up to satyr.

This guy thinks like me, except you don't have enough to do all three, do you? I typically do tower and feint, and then I get my balance blades and traps.

If you're Ice, or Death, then go into life, though death doesn't really need life's heals.... idk about death lol

Feb 14, 2009
Fire, storm, myth - Ice till tower, life till satyr, rest on what you want, best would probably be going with 3 training points to another school to get it's shields (Weakness if balance) but dont go with weakness if your myth, earthquake takes it right off.
Ice - life till satyr, death till feint
Life - ice till tower, death till feint
Death - ice till tower, life till shields or satyr (satyr is good if you dont want to waste blades on sacrifice to heal a friend) balance till weakness fire till shields (I have done this and I can pretty much block anything)
Balance - death till feint, and life till satyr. Satyr is a better pick then tower cause you can block/ resist everything with balance, and you dont have enough training points YET to get both and feint

These are probably the most common/smart/effectful combos

Jul 04, 2010
With my ice Mage, I'm taking storm up to storm shark and storm blade/trap and using that until I get ice wyrvn.

Mecromancer is like seasnake suggests.

Aug 12, 2009
seasnake wrote:
Secondary school wise I'll typically go ice school up to tower shield, death school up to feint, and life school up to satyr.

Exactly. Well said seasnake.

Jun 11, 2010
I say if you are a storm or myth wizard, chose fire as a secondary school.

- Josh Dragonbreeze lvl 42 pyromancer

Oct 24, 2010
when you get to a high level you have no use for a secondary school. because you have to wait a while to attack sense because power pips only work for your school. i am a death wizard and i learned storm as a secondary school but most of the time i can't wait that long in a battle to use it. so i gave up on it. so now i only learn power ups that cost 0 or 1 pips.

David redspear
death school