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Friends List Idea

Sep 14, 2008
My idea is to be able to import/export the friends list to each character.

Reasoning behind this is my wife currently has 6 active characters, My son has 5 characters, I have 5 characters, my mom has started playing and she has 2, my sister is playing and she has 2. It has taken an inordinate amount of time to get each character added to everyones friends list and we still aren't sure if we have everyone .

Anyways that is my 2 cents worth.

Nov 07, 2008
Diadems wrote:
My idea is to be able to import/export the friends list to each character.

Reasoning behind this is my wife currently has 6 active characters, My son has 5 characters, I have 5 characters, my mom has started playing and she has 2, my sister is playing and she has 2. It has taken an inordinate amount of time to get each character added to everyones friends list and we still aren't sure if we have everyone .

Anyways that is my 2 cents worth.

Agreed! What might be even more helpful is the ability to add a personal note to your friends list for each character on the list - just something to help trigger your memory about a person... particularly since many of the names are very similar.

Jun 21, 2008
Diadem, your family sounds like mine, lol. Let's see, My mom and brother have 6 students each, I have 4 and my sister in law has 2 or 3 I think and each of my young nephews have one. I can understand the coordination effort. You have to make sure all are in the same realm and server and right spot. A good coordination spot would be either a dormitory or one of the schools mini fight arenas in Ravenwood. :P

Jul 05, 2008
I like this idea all my friends from my first character do not know my second character is on. Someway of doing this would be great. So it is lonely playing and it is a pain to try and find them all.