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Onna Moogeisha!

Dec 21, 2009
Maybe after Celestia is out, there could be like a new side quest in MooShu where a female cow wants to be a samurai but doesn't have the battle gear and we retrieve some for her. It's sort of like the quests given by Regina Flametalon in Golem Court, or the quests given by Ako in the Grand Arena except more challenging. There could be a dojo where the opponents inside them cheat just like briskbreeze tower!

(Onna Moogeisha is based off of the real Onna Bugeisha or female samurai of Ancient and Medieival Japan. The wannabe Onna Moogeisha's name could be Hangamoo or Tomoo after the real Onna Bugeishas Hangaku and Tomoe.)

I copied and pasted this idea from my original post on Wizard101 Central.