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Glitch Tower!!

Oct 14, 2008
In Newgate Prison, Marleybone, where you fight the Agony Wrath, is the tower of epic glitches! I was fighting right there, and in this order things happened. First- One of my spells failed to work. Balanceblade, it counted as me not doing anything, even though it was saying I was going to do it right there. Second, when I killed Agony Wrath, it acted as though he was still there, but his health was zero and he was invisible. His pips kept going up, and there were long gaps when the ghost made it's move. When I killed the ghost thing, it died noticeably, but the fight didn't end. I could do nothing- I was trapped in limbo, with a fire elf circling me that wasn't doing health. The invisible Wrath was gaining them though. Eventually, after many attempted attacks and buffs, my heath drained to zero and I was sent back to Regent's Square.

Wall of text, ahh! Shield you eyes! :P

Oct 14, 2008
Well, I tried again, and it worked perfectly. The case is closed for me, but may not be for some others, my dear Watson!