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Feb 01, 2010
i have been hearing people in the message boards talking about a spell called Beguile i just have one question what is it and what class is it in someone please respond

May 20, 2010
Beguile is a Death school spell that's earned upon completing Krokotopia. The spell is supposed to cause the targeted enemy to temporarily (1, 2, or rarely 3 rounds) work on the the side of the wizard(s). A beguiled enemy won't move from its circle position, but it will buff/heal the wizards and trap/attack the other enemies. The drawback of beguiling an enemy is that the wizard side can't attack that enemy until the beguile effect wears off.

This spell was bugged in the past, and word is that it now works the way it's intended to.

Jan 11, 2010
Beguile is a death school spell. How it works is this, for an example. Say you are in a 4 vs 4 battle in pvp, and on the ememy team, you see that one of their players has many pips to cast a storm lord or ice giant, and the player has their blades up, and you feel they are going to hit. You can cast your beguile spell on them, and if indeed they have cast a hit spell, instead of hitting your team, they will hit their own team mates!!
In pvp you can also use beguile on the ememy team's healer, to steal a heal for your team mates :)
Beguile works best when your team goes first, and you have to watch the pip count on players on ememy team, and watch for them to put up blades and such and kind of have a "feel" for when they are going to hit, for it to work. It takes practice to use it well. :)

Apr 02, 2010
I stopped trying Beguile after I cast it on the Fire raven in the Coven and next turn it did Helephant or Firezilla on me. Nice.

I don't do PvP, and I had it once work well in PvE. Seemed most times it did nothing, that the monster passed on that turn. Seemed I was better off just trying to defeat the monster than trying to Beguile it.