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just hit 40 and no items in bazaar

Aug 18, 2010
i just hit lvl 40 and i wanted to know if there are any decent items that are an improvement over the lvl35 items. because i couldnt find any thing in any realm, im adept crafter should i just save my money now and craft what i need or just wait a little while to see if anything comes in?

Jul 21, 2010
wkorkuc wrote:
i just hit lvl 40 and i wanted to know if there are any decent items that are an improvement over the lvl35 items. because i couldnt find any thing in any realm, im adept crafter should i just save my money now and craft what i need or just wait a little while to see if anything comes in?

same thing happened to my lvl 40 life guy. i decided "why bother" and switched to my balance guy for a while

Aug 12, 2009
I was surprised by this also and for all my characters did not “upgrade” to the level 40 gear. It’s not just you.

Devin Darksong – Grandmaster Necromancer – lvl 50 Death
Digby Darksong – Grandmaster Theurgist – lvl 50 Life
Duncan Darksong – Grandmaster Sorcerer – lvl 50 Balance
Dylan Darksong – Grandmaster Diviner – lvl 50 Storm
Dustan Darksong – Grandmaster Conjurer – lvl 50 Myth
Dolan Darksong – Master Thaumaturge - lvl 50 Ice