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A new way to play the Game!!

Mar 17, 2009
I thought of a new way for the wizards to do their magic! wouldn't it be nice if instead of the wizard drawing out the symbol of the classes with his wind or other items they may have. Instead they throws one of his cards they pick like let's say for instance the lightning snake they throw it in the air and it floats in the middle of the battlefield then terrace and fades away. Then you see the thunder snake and the fight starts. Let's get rid of drawing out the symbol to make the spell. And also lets please please get rid of the fizzle or make it happen only one or two times per fight. I don't know how to get a hold of any of the developers but if someone else does please let me know or contact them about this. because I think it would be so awesome to have this new way to start the spells and to get rid of the fizzle or at least make it happen less would be more enjoyable to play the game.

Sep 11, 2010
..Every creature that wishes to use some form of magic within the Circle, must draw the appropriate symbol of the school the spell belongs to. The spell card is temporary swallowed by the void of the Spiral in the process, and Bartleby's magic is channelled through the wizard in order to apply the spell on the used card. Once the duel is over, the wizard will have enough peace to pull his/her cards back out of the Spiral and into their deck to be reused.

Fizzling is a result of tiny inaccuracies in how the symbol is drawn, which conflicts with the magic imbued in the spell card used, and results in a poof of void magic that has no place to be channelled.

The spell cards are imbued with magic, and shapes the energy of the Spiral into the creatures and attacks; the creatures are not actually part of the cards. I am pretty certain that it would take some radical changes in how the entire Spiral works to make it so that the spellcards themselves contained all of the magic needed for the spells.

I am also pretty certain that even the lowest wizard's deck would become outright explosive from all of the magic contained within, if such a thing was to happen. Indeed, Wizard City would barely have had its first class before it was torn to smithereens.

(also; there are plenty of games where you can play in the fashion you mention. Fizzles exist to balance duels and add a small element of unpredictability)

Jan 27, 2009
Fizzles are needed to balance out the game. For instance, storm would be way overpowered if there were no fizzles

P.S. THE WAY WE DUEL WILL NEVER CHANGE! Why try to fix something that's not broken?

Oct 09, 2009
Thanks for the information on how the actual spells supposedly work. Ex. channeling magic from Bartleby. Never knew that stuff :D

Sep 20, 2008
Bookshelvings, that was the single most informative and on topic post I have ever seen EVER, and I congratulate and respect you now. Also, the new idea is completely horrible. It would ruin the game for everyone who liked the spell drawing and getting rid of fizzles would throw everything off balance. Plus, your idea sounds like you want to make the game some Yu-Gi-Oh spinoff.