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Meowiarty's Hideout?

Sep 20, 2008
Oh please help anyone, i got a quest to find Meowiarty's hideout in Marleybone but it doesnt say where he is, someone help me.

Jun 21, 2008
That's why you have to FIND it! Before you actually get to Meowiarty, you have to fight alot and then you will get to him. Because it was so fun, I will not be doing it again to tell you where it's at. Hopefully a helpful soul can give more info then I have.

Happy Questing!

Sep 20, 2008
Oct 18, 2008
I cant find it..do you have to finish every single quest in Marleybone to find him?Ive been looking for HOURS!..Can I atleast get a hint?

Oct 21, 2008
Every single quest. He is the final battle. Then don't forget to get the stray cat where he is. I didn't get it and will have to go back through the counterweights and Big Ben I think to get it but thats ok..I don't mind
Fiona Dragontamer

Sep 20, 2008
mrmysticalkat wrote:
I cant find it..do you have to finish every single quest in Marleybone to find him?Ive been looking for HOURS!..Can I atleast get a hint?

Try the Museum; If you're ready to face him, you'll find the Quests that lead you to him .....

Dec 28, 2008
There are two stray cats in Knight's Court, I have found both. However, the one when you first enter is not recognized when you approach it. Any other reason for it being there?

Jul 12, 2008
LawUmp1 wrote:
There are two stray cats in Knight's Court, I have found both. However, the one when you first enter is not recognized when you approach it. Any other reason for it being there?

There is only one stray cat in Knight's Court. Before you enter Knight's Court, there is a stray cat over on the Scotland Yard rooftop. Perhaps this is the 2nd one you found. It is counted as the Scotland Yard Rooftop cat. If you see another cat after you enter Knight's Court near the beginning, it's a bug. The Knight's Court cat is nowhere near the entrance.

Sep 20, 2008
Speaking of Stray Cats, I've noticed a bug related to them in Big Ben. I was attempting to finish it, so I could move on to Mooshu; but my Friend needed the Stray Cat to finish his Zeke Quest. Anyway, when the battle was done, and we looked for it, since I knew where it was, .... IT WAS GONE! There was no Cat, no indictation that the Cat was ever there, nothing. I'm not sure what triggered the Bug; but I think that the fact I had failed Big Ben repeatedly, but my Friend had not been in there yet, might have been a factor ....

I think somebody needs to look into this, since it ultimately means that Zeke's Quest for the Stray Cats can be de-railed due to a missing Cat.

Dec 27, 2008
Spoinkfan718 wrote:
I did find it :) but thanks for posting, i thought nobody would post here :(
can someone tell me how to get in big ben and counterweights I have beaten all the other quest except Meoiarty Hideout but I need help on that too.

Sep 20, 2008
wildtiger6 wrote:
Spoinkfan718 wrote:
I did find it :) but thanks for posting, i thought nobody would post here :(
can someone tell me how to get in big ben and counterweights I have beaten all the other quest except Meoiarty Hideout but I need help on that too.

Talk to Watson, who will direct you to Holmes, who is in the Museum. A bit of talking with the NPCs present will give you the first of three Quests involving the two CounterWeight areas and then finally Big Ben itself. The "Hideout" (if I remember correctly) is at the top of Big Ben.

The only I think you could have messed up is if you missed a step back at Katsenstein's Lab, when you had to construct and then activate the Golem which lead you back to Watson....


Scarlet SkullHammer (Death 35, Black Cat Pet, "Shadow")

Feb 14, 2009
umm I am at the part where you construct and he tells you to turn the electricity on. However I go up to all the switches and nothing happens. I really don't want to start katz lab over again so does anyone know wats wrong?

Nov 20, 2008
you don't need to do all the quest's just the story quest's
but when you fight him do it with friends

Sep 20, 2008
debomb11 wrote:
umm I am at the part where you construct and he tells you to turn the electricity on. However I go up to all the switches and nothing happens. I really don't want to start katz lab over again so does anyone know wats wrong?

Did you talk to the strange guy who had been hiding in the corner after defeating Katzenstein?
If so, after you threw the three switches, did you talk to the Golem they created?

If you talked to the Golem, did you talk to the strange guy a second time?

If you said "No" to any of these, that is your problem; If you did all three, I have no idea, since doing them in this order triggers the "See Watson" who then send you to Holmes at the Museum...

Scarlet SkullHammer (Death 35, Black Cat Pet, "Shadow")

Jul 19, 2008
he is at the top of big ben with the Agony Wraith rank 5 boss and a clockwork wizard rank 4 elite I spilled spike's milk on most floors *tee hee*

Feb 22, 2009
The stray cat in Big Ben is hidden behind some wood crate boxes on one of the upper levels. Someone helped me find it after we defeated Meowiarty but before we left Big Ben. Don't leave after defeating Meowiarty... I left the Lab without getting the cat and now I have to do it all over again!

Dec 24, 2008
wizard98 wrote:
he is at the top of big ben with the Agony Wraith rank 5 boss and a clockwork wizard rank 4 elite I spilled spike's milk on most floors *tee hee*

You spilt spikes milk? HUH?!?

Oh... On the wiki I found out

Feb 07, 2009
Dec 07, 2008
NeoStar wrote:
debomb11 wrote:
umm I am at the part where you construct and he tells you to turn the electricity on. However I go up to all the switches and nothing happens. I really don't want to start katz lab over again so does anyone know wats wrong?

Did you talk to the strange guy who had been hiding in the corner after defeating Katzenstein?
If so, after you threw the three switches, did you talk to the Golem they created?

If you talked to the Golem, did you talk to the strange guy a second time?

If you said "No" to any of these, that is your problem; If you did all three, I have no idea, since doing them in this order triggers the "See Watson" who then send you to Holmes at the Museum...

Scarlet SkullHammer (Death 35, Black Cat Pet, "Shadow")

There is a certain order to turn on the switches!
Use quest helper [go to options go to video game options and click yes for quest helper] Theres actually about 5 or 6 switches you have to turn on i think because for every switch out of the 3 you had to turn on the power switch for it also xP or maybe it was 3? eh just use quest helper! after that next you would have to talk to the Golem and he tells you where he's going to protect Meowiarty and then Grunk says go to your master and he's like you don't have a master? i don't have one either then but then the golem tells you to go to Watson which is now in Scotland Yard Roof again

Oct 24, 2009
NeoStar wrote:
Speaking of Stray Cats, I've noticed a bug related to them in Big Ben. I was attempting to finish it, so I could move on to Mooshu; but my Friend needed the Stray Cat to finish his Zeke Quest. Anyway, when the battle was done, and we looked for it, since I knew where it was, .... IT WAS GONE! There was no Cat, no indictation that the Cat was ever there, nothing. I'm not sure what triggered the Bug; but I think that the fact I had failed Big Ben repeatedly, but my Friend had not been in there yet, might have been a factor ....

I think somebody needs to look into this, since it ultimately means that Zeke's Quest for the Stray Cats can be de-railed due to a missing Cat.

I found the cat. It was behind a few wooden crates and is the floor with the third milk. :] Hope I helped!

Dec 24, 2008
Don't know where Meowiarty's Hideout is? For my best guess, I'm trying to see that Meowiarty is in the Big Ben? I am getting very close to Meowiarty. Hope you find out! Search Marleybone!
- Caroline DeathSword

Dec 23, 2008
If you're on his quest, go to the royal museum and go into big ben clocktower. If you're noy on his quest, you have work to do first.

Aug 07, 2009
all that i know is that cat meowratiy is at the top of big ben and the stray cat you also get a badge called matsermind then the cat says somthing [ meowratiy] so ya just do everything and quest

Jan 04, 2010
mrmysticalkat wrote:
I cant find it..do you have to finish every single quest in Marleybone to find him?Ive been looking for HOURS!..Can I atleast get a hint?
OK.Go into Newgate prisin and you will have to talk to a police man.No further information :(Sorry

Feb 15, 2009
Meowiarty's Biography:

First he breaks out of his cell and Officer Malone is the first to spot Meowiarty.A wizard gets after him. He runs away.Another officer spots Meowiarty's freedom.A wizard finds Meowiarty with MALISTAIRE.
Another officer spots it.A wizard gets into Gibson's lair.they kill him.
A wizard spot Meowiarty and MALISTAIRE.Malistaire summons Shriekers.A wizard goes into the tower. Meowiarty summons Agony.

Blah Blah Blah.

The wizard captures Meowiarty.