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a couple ideas (3)

Aug 05, 2009
Well, if you read my other post,(a couple ideas 2) i am continuing from there. I recommend reading it cause my first post will be continuing from there while many ideas will be unrelated. Well here are the ideas:Merle: Ah! you have the spiral key! Good job young wizard! But there is grave danger in timeheart now.You will need to defeat the time gurtok when you can. But beware, he has many minions and malistaires ghost. Go there and beware. The sideschools i will mention later in this post.(you will find no new areas as this ony has areas of other places, past and future) Plus these areas would be much harder then the real on (you may find some areas out of order this is meant to be) . Here they are:

Wilderness of marlybone(past)(commons)
Unicorn way(future)
Firecat alley(Past)
Sunken city( dungeon past)
Chesea court( future)
Hyde park(past)
Triton avenue( past)
Cyclops lane( future)
The ironworks( Past dungeon)
The grand chasm ( future )
Djeserit family tomb(past)
Tomb of storms( dungeon future)
Royal hall(future)
Palace of fire( past)
Hall of champions( future)
The vault of ice( past)
Finally, The great spyre( future)
In the hall of champions future, you go past the 2 gurtoks in malistaires dungeon after breaking there defences.Them in the vault of ice, yu fight malistaire as keeper of the fang, and all the other ones are black banshees(rank 9 boss) And in the great spyre at the very end, you fight the time gurtok.Here are the side schools: Past( which helps you) and future(which weakens opponents) i will mention future in my next post on this topic but here are the past: Woolly wizard: 50 heal to all friends and 25%- from next attack to all friends 1 pip. Dino dine 100 heal to all friends and 10%+ to next attack to all friends 2 pips.Pastlike stage: 300 heal to all friends, 15%+ to next attack to all friends, 60%- to next attack to all friends and 100 damage to all opponents 6 pips. Well thats the end of my post for now see ya all! Peace.

Aug 05, 2009
Hi again. The other side school for timeheart is: past. Spells are:Weaken
15%- from next atack to all enemies and 50 damage to al enemies.)(i gonna skip the rest except the last) Harden 50%- to next attck to all enemies, 15%+ to next attatck to all enemies, 400 damage to all enemies, heal 95 to all friends. That was just a quick post, the next one may not be for a few days. Peace.