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Putting that spirit blade to use

Apr 11, 2010
So, a lot of us know about Balances hydra spell and spectral blast spell. They have a nice elemental blade and trap to go with that. That's all good.

But were the spirit blade and trap forgotten about? Balance students don't have a spell to use them, haha!

Why not give Balance something like a Chimera to counter Hydra?
Snake tail could be life, lion could be myth and the Eagle (or raven if you prefer) could be the death hit. Don't leave balance with a spirit blade and trap with no spell. XD

They have the weapon, but no ammunition.

Jun 07, 2010
CorbinW wrote:
So, a lot of us know about Balances hydra spell and spectral blast spell. They have a nice elemental blade and trap to go with that. That's all good.

But were the spirit blade and trap forgotten about? Balance students don't have a spell to use them, haha!

Why not give Balance something like a Chimera to counter Hydra?
Snake tail could be life, lion could be myth and the Eagle (or raven if you prefer) could be the death hit. Don't leave balance with a spirit blade and trap with no spell. XD

They have the weapon, but no ammunition.

AGREE 100% my Balance Wiz just made Grand the other day. I obviously have the Spirit trap, and I really never found a use for it yet besides giving another life trap, for my secondary, but I also have just the regular Life traps. This, or just using it for some other wizards they may be fighting with me, which is seldom. Since I solo most of the time.

Apr 11, 2010
I forgot to add this thought. Why not a spell called Pandora's box? Where it will be a random spirit attack like the spectral blast in which the attack would be something from one of the spirit schools? Like a life minotaur, death minotaur or myth minotaur from it?

(Is it me or is there already a spell in the game called Pandora's box?)