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Hawaiia bosses

Mar 27, 2010
I'm Cody Spellrider's friend Andrew Dunetamer. I'm here to tell you about the Hawaiia bosses. First boss is Pigglesworth Snortimer, 1,500 health and is rank 7 ice. his helper is a ram-boar, 1,215 health, rank 6 storm. Second boss is Sushi in the waterfall of silence, 2,300, rank 6 life, and her helper is a fish guard, 900 health, rank 7 balance. The third boss is located in a dungeon, the River of Death. the name of the boss before last boss is the gate guardian, 2,500 health, rank 7 storm, helper is an angry fish, rank 7 death, 1,300 health. the next boss is Mr. Bubbles rank 7 death, and with 3,000 with another angry fish helper. The final two bosses are located in sharks prism. The next boss is the other's brother, Maco. He has 6,000 health, rank 8 myth, with a catfish helper that has 2,000 health and rank 7 storm. Now for the grand finale. The final boss in Hawaiia is Tiger. he's rank 9 storm with 9,000 health and Maco helps out and two catfish helpers. the hard part is you need to beat all of them within 20 minutes.

Hawaiia team

Sep 04, 2009