I really need gold (100,000) and I need it fast. I've looked all over the message boards and they all say the same thing: sell things you don't need and don't use - I already do this. Are there any OTHER ways to get it? Like... common, valuable boss drops or something? ANy help would be great. Has anyone else had the same problem?
Also, the thing I want is a house in the crown shop - I think you should be able to earn crowns: like gain 100 every boss battle or something. It's really hard to get loads of gold fast. I've tried EVERYHTING! PLEASE help me!!!!!!!
Thanks, Amber LegendBlade Master Pyromancer Level 47 and Seth Storm Novice Diviner Level 6 or 7 (I can't remember!)
The boss at the end of Mirkolm Keep in Grizzlehyem (can't spell it) is THE best boss to farm for gold. This boss ONLY drops valuable things. One item is worth one thousand gold EACH. If you fill up on potions with potion motion first, stop at level three, and then kill the boss about five times, there is a good chance you will get around five thousand gold. You may get more or less sometimes but the profits are still very high. I got twenty thousand gold after about an hour of defeating him. Do this and you will get your house in no time
Farm the Ravens in GH and any decent boss in DS should drop useful stuff to sell. Other than that there is the crown option but that is very expensive.
im short on gold right now to so here is my simple and pretty affective strategy. i do the 3 best farming dungeons i have and spend about 25 minutes extra on high gold enemys. 1 a day. i do 5 quests that pay me the most gold i can get a day. then i finish with 3-9 bosses depending on how much time i have. all in all for me i got about 10000 gold a day. i hope it helps
The boss at the end of Mirkolm Keep in Grizzlehyem (can't spell it) is THE best boss to farm for gold. This boss ONLY drops valuable things. One item is worth one thousand gold EACH. If you fill up on potions with potion motion first, stop at level three, and then kill the boss about five times, there is a good chance you will get around five thousand gold. You may get more or less sometimes but the profits are still very high. I got twenty thousand gold after about an hour of defeating him. Do this and you will get your house in no time
Thanks, I'll try it when my sister comes on - I hope it will work!! I'm sure it will but is the boss at level 3? What level is he at - Ii don't quite get that part! Sorry! Do you go up to level three the first time, and all the way the other times? Anyway thanks, What level are you and what's your name? I want to be your friend on the game!
im short on gold right now to so here is my simple and pretty affective strategy. i do the 3 best farming dungeons i have and spend about 25 minutes extra on high gold enemys. 1 a day. i do 5 quests that pay me the most gold i can get a day. then i finish with 3-9 bosses depending on how much time i have. all in all for me i got about 10000 gold a day. i hope it helps
Thanks but it needs to be quick and take less than a day - 2 hours at the most! Just asking: what are the 3 best farming dungeons? That could be useful information. Thanks for telling me but it won't workout for me!
Try Munin the Mistweaver in Mirkholm Keep (Grizzleheim), he is easy to beat and the items sell for a good price in the Bazaar (Coat of Stormy Seas, Terminal Robe, and others for at least 1,000 gold each - depending on the color combinations). :)
I agree on the crowns thing. There should be a way to get a little bit more then just buying them. And on the gold thing, well, i kinda do the same as you.
In short, farm the Ravens in GH as much as you can. We have a group and farm them most everyday. If you have not completed GH, you will need someone else who has, to port to in order to get in. I have done it with two people but you really need 3. It is nice if you have a death or life to take first spot and be the "bait" so to speak :) Just shield them up good and they take most of the hits until the rest of your team have all your traps, feints and blades in place to make a kill hit. I have found that farming them brings the most gold for items you win and then sell. Many of the robes and hats can bring a thousand in gold for just one item :) You will usually get very good items to sell there. The only downside or not, if you like pets, is that you will wind up with a whole herd of silverback wildclaw pets!! LOL. They drop pretty frequently. I just use them for guard dogs at my new crafted GH house :) Good Luck and keep on farming :)