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May 17, 2009
Is there any specific reason we are unable to auction off the most rare items that are found in the game! Its just for GOLD not crowns or anything like that. If something was earned fairly then one deserves to do as they wish with it including auction it off at the Bazaar! There is no point in having something of great potential that cant be used nor put away anywhere. And why tease us with the great amounts of gold shown for the rarest of the rare when it is unable to be auctioned, this is simply just a great outrage! We deserve the right to auction off ANYTHING, otherwise whats the point of earning something rare and powerful that cant be used with your school!

May 30, 2009
I think you're missing the point of no auction. It doesn't mean you can't sell the item, it means you can't sell it in the bazaar because of its rarity. If you were to acquire a crown item from either purchasing it or from a drop, turn around and sell it in the bazaar for gold, then I walk up and buy that item for gold, what would be the point in selling it for crowns in the first place? Someone could just camp out in the bazaar till a specific item pops up and use the gold to buy it. Seems like KI would totally be losing money on this situation which would be why this will probably NEVER be implemented.

Aug 29, 2009
While you can't auction off those items, you can certainly sell most of those items to any shopkeeper of that type. The payout is good but not as good as you see it valued at the bazaar, but remember, thats just a value, not what someone would be willing to buy it for. If everything was available at the bazaar, then nobody would EARN anything. They would just wait for someone to sell it and buy it.

I agree with the way KI has it set up now.

May 20, 2010
Most "No Auction" items can be sold in the regular merchant shops (i.e. the Robe shop, Ring shop, etc.).

Also, an item that is listed as "No Auction" will show you the Bazaar's selling price (what the Bazaar would sell it to you for), not the price they would buy it from you for, with the option to sell it greyed out. So the price you see at the Bazaar on "No Auction" items when you try to sell them is actually up to 10 times as much as you would get from the Bazaar if the item weren't "No Auction". You can test that by checking the Bazaar's price and the price offered by a merchant shop.

Jul 04, 2009
While you can't auction off those items (primarily because they don't want to have being able to be purchased), you can still sell them at the regular shop vendors for gold.

As far as the selling price showed at the Bazaar for Non-Auction items, it is actually incorrect. Prices at the Bazaar are based on availability. The more of a certain item they have in stock, the less it cost to buy and the less gold you will get to sell it. Since there are no inventory of Non-Auction items, the selling price is high because there are no items of that type in the Bazaar's inventory: the reason for that is because it can't be sold at the Bazaar.

KI clearly needs to eliminate showing a price at all when Non-Auction items are selected during the Selling process. This will keep down the complaints about how the shops aren't buying Non-Auction items at the prices the Bazaar offers (which it can't buy).

May 17, 2009
Hanamana wrote:
While you can't auction off those items, you can certainly sell most of those items to any shopkeeper of that type. The payout is good but not as good as you see it valued at the bazaar, but remember, thats just a value, not what someone would be willing to buy it for. If everything was available at the bazaar, then nobody would EARN anything. They would just wait for someone to sell it and buy it.

I agree with the way KI has it set up now.

Um no i dont agree with that because there are a great number of players who'd rather earn some things rather than use all there in game or actual currency to buy them and some people try really hard to earn some things and try so hundreds of time with no luck so this could put an end to that and all that has to be done is make sure the player has defeated the boss that drops it enough times

May 17, 2009
asutton75 wrote:
I think you're missing the point of no auction. It doesn't mean you can't sell the item, it means you can't sell it in the bazaar because of its rarity. If you were to acquire a crown item from either purchasing it or from a drop, turn around and sell it in the bazaar for gold, then I walk up and buy that item for gold, what would be the point in selling it for crowns in the first place? Someone could just camp out in the bazaar till a specific item pops up and use the gold to buy it. Seems like KI would totally be losing money on this situation which would be why this will probably NEVER be implemented.

Well this could easily be overcome by letting those items only be purchased by crowns and wizards who have defeated the boss who drops it several times

Jun 06, 2009
now some no auction items i get, like generic equip items (that anyone can use). no auction crown items are fine, you should have to buy them. what REALLY bugs me is...

1: SCHOOL SPECIFIC NO AUCTION ITEMS. you know what i mean: those items you can't use because they're not your school. you try to sell something you CAN'T EVEN USE, and BAM!!! you can't even get a good price for it!!!!

2: NO AUCTION HOUSING ITEMS. things that have absolutely no combat value should not be kept out of the bazaar, where someone that WANTS the useless thing can get it.

and 3: DROPPED CROWN NO AUCTION ITEMS. say you have a +40% mount. you get a +30% mount from a drop. it's worse than what you have, but you CAN'T SELL IT!!!

now, you could put the items in the shared bank. however, there are two problems with this:

1: SIX CHARS, SEVEN SCHOOLS. in other words, about a seventh of school specific no auction items will never be used by the recipient.

2: GETTING DUPLICATES. let's say you fight jade oni, and you get the no auction life school only robe. one of your wizards is life, so you put the robe in the shared bank for them to use when their level is high enough. great.
then, a friend needs help with jade oni. you port in, help them win, aaaand... THE EXACT SAME ROBE!!!!!!

but the worst thing is...

THE PRICES. no auction robes, hats, boots, and athames would usually fetch upward of a thousand with great consistancy. you know what you would get for them. and you can't gt it, because SOMEONE at ki apparently decided not to let you sell these awesome things you might not want or need. anti-kudos to that person.