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New Stun Protection Charm

Aug 21, 2009
I think there should be a stun protection charm added to charms list in the Fair Grounds. All the charm would do would be to protect against the blade and shield dropping effects of earth quake. Anything under the stun protection charm would remain in tact in case of earthquake, and anything over the charm would be taken out by earthquake. This means that myth could still be used to chain stun in PvP but could chain stun in a fair mannor that could be protected against even if going up against multiple myths. It also means in game play that a player can better protect himself against earthquake and cheat using opponents. A lot of players still wouldn't use such a spell as it would cost a point to train and deck space to include it always appears to be quite sparse. A stun protection charm would add to actual game play as well as rid any chain stunning issues that still is being complained about in PvP while not nerfing Myth School one bit. The stun protection charm should be a myth school charm so myth should be able to learn it for free.