You must be kidding me with her, i have fought her now 178 times, yes 178 times now and she still has not released the lvl50 storm deck. I mean seriously now, they have to change the system here this is ridiculous, she keeps giving everything over and over, everything but the deck! Has anyone from Storm won the deck from her yet?
I have with my fire person. I find it is helpful if you are trying to get a school spacific item that you farm for it with a character of a different school. Then the item drops easier, no question about it.
When you're dealing with an item that only drops about 4%-5% of the time, you can get the item on your next battle or not for 500 battles.
I suppose it's a matter of having all of the top gear, but the Sea Lord Deck of Thunder is about as good, and you can get it in the Bazaar for about 3200 coins. The only difference is 55 vs 60 total spells and 20 vs 25 sideboard spells. It's very unlikely that you're going to need the extras.