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Mar 08, 2009
I dont know if anyone knows about this or if somebody has already posted about this but i will. Does anybody know why prisms sometimes use the shield so it does little damage. It is because you put up the prism after they had put up a shield. the prism will only work if you manage to put it on before they put up their shield.

Prisms and shields activate in the opposite order they were placed - FILO=First in Last out.

If a death shield is placed, then a convert life to death prism, then a life spell is cast on that creature, the life spell will cast, the convert prism will take effect and the shield will activate.

If a convert life to death is placed, then a death shield , then a life spell is cast on that creature, the life spell will cast, the death shield will be ignored because you cast a life spell, then the convert prism will take effect.

That help or confuse even further?

If you want the prize, you have to build the ladder rung by rung. There are no shortcuts.
May 20, 2010
The bottom line is that the prism is the FIRST thing you want to put on an enemy of the same school you're casting spells from. I'll explain why:

All traps and prisms work on a Last-Placed-First-Used system. Think of it as dealing cards onto a pile. The first card you deal goes on the bottom, the next on top of it, the next on top of that card, etc. until the final card goes on the top of the pile. When the spells are looked at, the system looks at the top "card" (spell), then the next, etc., until it reaches the bottom card (the first one used).

For example, a Storm wizard places, in order, a Storm Prism, an Elemental Trap, and a Storm Trap. The pile/order looks like this:

Storm Trap
Elemental Trap
Storm Prism

When a spell is cast on that enemy, the system will look from the top down, one at a time, and evaluate them.

The reason you want to cast the Prism first is because you want it on the bottom of the pile---the last thing the system looks at. You want that so that the system will use all of the traps that benefit your school before it reaches the prism, which converts them to the opposite school.

In other words, if the prism is cast first as above, and Kraken is cast, the system will see the Storm Trap, use it because the spell is Storm magic, see the Elemental Trap, use it for the same reason, and then see the Storm Prism and convert it to Myth magic, using both 1.25 multipliers.

Suppose the wizard cast the Prism last, making the pile look like this:

Storm Prism
Storm Trap
Elemental Trap

Kraken is cast. The system sees the Storm Prism and converts Kraken to Myth magic. Since it's now Myth magic, the system will ignore both the Storm Trap and the Elemental Trap (since Myth is a spirit-based school), and neither 1.25 multiplier is used.

Jun 30, 2009
If you cast a prism on an opponent before they put a shield, then you will get more damage, and the shield won't be used. But, if you use it AFTER then it WILL activate.

Mar 08, 2009
I see i am not the first to have seen this happen. The reason i had posted this was because i have been in a lot of battles where someone will have placed a prism that activates the shield and are wondering what the heck happened.

Jun 06, 2009
i have a question. does that FILO thing also apply to charms, is it first in first out for charms, or is it one of these for charms cast by allies, and then a seperate one for charms cast by enemies?

Jul 04, 2009
FoxFyr wrote:
i have a question. does that FILO thing also apply to charms, is it first in first out for charms, or is it one of these for charms cast by allies, and then a seperate one for charms cast by enemies?

Charms are First On, First Off ... regardless of who puts the charm on you.