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Change ice school's equipment

Feb 23, 2010
Ok, I understand why you don't get power pip boosts for fire and storm gear. You get accuracy boosts to make up for the lower accuracy of those school's spells. You have to have pluses and minuses to each school to keep things balanced. I get that. My problem with ice gear, however, is that the total accuracy boost you get with ice hats, robes, and boots combine is 5%. Given that, as well as the lower damage done by ice spells, you should get a power pip bonus as well on ice gear. Now, I'm not saying the power pip boost should be as big as in death or balance gear. Since you're already getting a lower accuracy boost, why not add a lower power pip boost to ice as well. That way, you may be getting two boosts where the others only get one, but both of your boosts will be smaller. That still seems balanced to me.

Mar 01, 2009
I believe the in-game gear for level 50 grandmasters will only allow the school's accuracy for spells be at a maximum of 85%. Crown and PvP gear will be different. Death, Balance, Life, and Myth (I think) already have a natural accuracy of 85%, so no boost for them. Storm gets a 15% boost to go with their normal 70%, Fire gets a 10% boost to go with their normal 75%, and Ice gets a 5% boost to go with their 80%.

I have to disagree with you in that I believe the gear is well balanced. Ice gets great shielding from all schools (up to 20% resist all?). PvP gear offers better resists, but can only be used in arena. ICE gear also get A LOT of extra life points

Feb 23, 2010
ffej49 wrote:
I believe the in-game gear for level 50 grandmasters will only allow the school's accuracy for spells be at a maximum of 85%. Crown and PvP gear will be different. Death, Balance, Life, and Myth (I think) already have a natural accuracy of 85%, so no boost for them. Storm gets a 15% boost to go with their normal 70%, Fire gets a 10% boost to go with their normal 75%, and Ice gets a 5% boost to go with their 80%.

I have to disagree with you in that I believe the gear is well balanced. Ice gets great shielding from all schools (up to 20% resist all?). PvP gear offers better resists, but can only be used in arena. ICE gear also get A LOT of extra life points

I'm well aware that the boosts are designed to max each of the elemental schools accuracy at 85%, and I'm absolutely fine with that. That means, in the end, every school but life will have an 85% accuracy. What I'm talking about is the fact that, overall, the ice gear for grandmasters is much less appealing than for other schools. The increased health is already balanced out by the decreased attack boosts. The fact that their shielding boosts are resistant to all schools is balanced by the fact that those boosts are lower. Those are the designed balances that exist all the way throughout the game. That leaves us with the accuracy boost vs. power pip boost then.

Again, I understand that the max accuracy is 85% with grandmaster gear, but since ice has such a short way to go to get there (5%, as opposed to 10% for fire or 15% for storm), why not give them a small power pip boost as well? My grandmaster ice robe is fine, but the hat and boots leave something to be desired. The boots, for instance, give a 1% accuracy boost (might as well not even be a boost if it's that small this late in the game), a 3% attack boost, and a 5% shield all boost. That's really not a whole lot for me to worry about. My storm wizard's boots on the other hand, gives a 3% accuracy boost, a 9% attack boost, and a 10% storm resistance boost. So, while the shielding boosts balance out (double the effectiveness for storm, but resist all for ice), storm gets triple the boost to both accuracy and attack...on top of storm having much more powerful spells. How is that fair for ice wizards? I know they get more health with that gear, but given the damage enemies do at this point, it's not really all that much, and you're better served by being able to hit them harder and kill them quicker. The disparity seems even more unfair when you consider the fact that the life, death, and balance schools don't have this issue. Instead of accuracy boosts, they have power pip boosts, and all of them get the same power pip boost. It's even across the board.

Mar 01, 2009
Ahhh, I see your point now. I am unfamiliar with Ice gear and like you said in the boots comparison (versus the storm boots), I would not be excited about my grandmaster gear for Ice either. A small power pip boost could fill in the gaps some, 5-10 % with full GM gear seems good. However, then Ice gear would mimic Crown gear. Even then, I would choose crown gear for my Ice GM if affordable.

Going on a tangent now...players say Ice has great defense, not really, it's in the clothing, not the wizard. Many wizards have great defense with clothing. (excluding pvp gear) Maybe Ice wizards should receive a 1 % resist all per 5 levels?? OR, if they forgo the power pip idea, maybe increase the shielding for the grandmaster items. If those boots gave a 7-8% shield instead of 5% maybe I would consider them. (increase full Ice GM gear resist from current 20% to say 30%?)