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Feb 17, 2009
I used to see a new one about every week or two weeks and now it's like once a month. I miss them so very much . And I know with the new advancements it's probably at the bottom of the list, but still may you please make them more frequently?

Thomas Swiftthistle Granmaster Ice

May 09, 2010
Feb 11, 2010
This is what will probably happen in the future in abracadoodle:
(if there ARE any more comics...)
The dude in the blue outfit will be "wand"ering in krokotopia and he finds a balance spell card in the lake and he picks it up.He uses his storm powers to bend the water out of the card and he looks at the balance card closely. It was called:

Name: Chihuahuas
Pips: Four
Chance of fizzling: 90%
Damage: 100 per pip
And then he tries it on two evil manders. Here's what happens:
There's a pack of barking hyper-active chihuahuas and steak appears behind
the enemy. The hyper-active chihuahuas smell the steak and run 100 mph
but notice the enemy is blocking the way. They turn on mexican rock music
and tackle the enemy, chew the enemy up, claim their steak and leave. The enemy is left looking like Michael Jackson and the enemy runs to hollywood. .THE END.
I just thought I'd make you laugh today :D

Jun 11, 2010
I love that comic strip! :) But yea. If you not gonna post them every week, then do more than one strip per month. I log on all the time just to read it. But every month I do I get to read like ten more words. plz fix this. it gets boring just reading one new strip each month.

- Joshua Dragonbreeze lvl 37 pyromancer

Jun 11, 2010
PRETTY FUNNY but a little weird. lol :D
Sammgreen wrote:
This is what will probably happen in the future in abracadoodle:
(if there ARE any more comics...)
The dude in the blue outfit will be "wand"ering in krokotopia and he finds a balance spell card in the lake and he picks it up.He uses his storm powers to bend the water out of the card and he looks at the balance card closely. It was called:

Name: Chihuahuas
Pips: Four
Chance of fizzling: 90%
Damage: 100 per pip
And then he tries it on two evil manders. Here's what happens:
There's a pack of barking hyper-active chihuahuas and steak appears behind
the enemy. The hyper-active chihuahuas smell the steak and run 100 mph
but notice the enemy is blocking the way. They turn on mexican rock music
and tackle the enemy, chew the enemy up, claim their steak and leave. The enemy is left looking like Michael Jackson and the enemy runs to hollywood. .THE END.
I just thought I'd make you laugh today :D

Dec 04, 2009