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Which school should i chose next

Mar 08, 2009
I am stuck between choosing, death, storm, or fire and i would really like some opinions on which one i should do next.

Jul 08, 2009
Emerlad10 wrote:
I am stuck between choosing, death, storm, or fire and i would really like some opinions on which one i should do next.

If you solo, death it is by far the best school to solo with. If you have a team if people storm would be a good choice. Avoid fire IMO, both storm and death offer better options unless you like to sit and wait for things to die.

May 08, 2010
fire is the best way to go. were strong and better than the others.

Aug 21, 2009
storm looks down on everyone as being weaker than they are, storm is also the school that is going to be given first priority in terms of help in damage and the like when playing with others... it isn't hard to solo storm... storm does recognize fire as being almost as strong and sees that fire does not have to worry much about shields blocking its attacks... death is viewed as a decent school that can attack and heal that has good survivabilty and can assist in healing and damage but it plays a back seat role at later levels... all are decent choices and which is best largely depends on what cards are introduced to the game when celestia comes out

Jul 08, 2009
tman10666 wrote:
fire is the best way to go. were strong and better than the others.

I have GM's in every school, and multiple GM's in most schools. Fire is clearly not the best choice. It's not even the strongest school. Take a look at the Pyromancers club, they will be the first to give an honest assessment of fire and they are all fire players. Fire is not ideal for pvp, you die often when soloing and you fizzle too much compared to other schools. You have some power, but the power is contingent upon too many other factors, which as you learn the school and compare it to others, you will realize the power and other factors are more detrimental than anything else. This became very apparent to me once I learned how to play and use every school.

Storm has similar issues as fire, but with the higher spell attacks if you hit, you will kill. In terms of sheer straight forward power storm is the strongest school, but that is misleading because it also has the lowest health and a high fizzle rate as well. With fire you often have to wait a few rounds and can die while waiting. Storm also doesn't wait around for kill time so you can keep on attacking if you fizzle and once your spell hits, you kill right then usually.

Death as I said is a great solo school. When you kill, you almost end always end up with full health or pretty close. And you can heal yourself fairly easily usually every time you attack. Its a pretty nice and easy way to go though the game. It was far and away my easiest experience in the game as it pertains to the different schools.

I share this because I have experience with every school and have played them all the way through. I really am trying to save you some headaches.

In spite of what I said, you need to choose what school you want to play. If you gut tells you to play something, then go for it, you can always change.

Mar 08, 2009