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jugdment to storng for balance

Feb 07, 2010
they should weak in jugement because balance has shields already and only can be block with tower shield which is only 50% :-(. they should make it 50 per pip or 75 at least. and i am a warlord so dont start saying stuff and if your a balance wizard dont get mad over this i am just asking for opinions its just a game

May 09, 2010
if they reduce judgement they need to reduce tempest, heck hound, ice armor, myth's minions, death's minion, and dryad. before you think judgement's too good think about your school's spells

May 11, 2010
iceblade963 wrote:
they should weak in jugement because balance has shields already and only can be block with tower shield which is only 50% :-(. they should make it 50 per pip or 75 at least.
Then tempest would rule the game and considering that storm already has wild bolt storm would be unbeatable ( if it already isn't ) Balance Grand Caleb Spiritfist P.S. A lot of balance people dont even know the power of judgement, my grand balance friend never uses judge.

Jun 07, 2010
iceblade963 wrote:
they should weak in jugement because balance has shields already and only can be block with tower shield which is only 50% :-(. they should make it 50 per pip or 75 at least.

Says the young Wizard who got pwned by Judgement one to many times. If Judgement gets lowered then all of those other PiP per damage cards need to be lowered.

Quoted from your own post: " balance has shields already and only can be block with tower shield which is only 50% "

What about Absorb, doesn't that block 500? Play your Wizard more effectively. Mmm-Kay. before complaining about some other wizard.

I read the forums constantly, I post when I can, and what I get from all the millions of posts I read, everybody wants whatever school their Wizard is to be the only Overpowered School out there.

If you have time read some posts in the PvP section of the forums. Basicly, how all the post in the PvP section are oulined as follows. In a nut shell. Wizards who get pwned by another Wizards spell all the time. They cry: "Waaaa the spell is to strong, it needs to get nerfed"

Simple solution play your class more effectively and please STOP whining something is overpowered to KI. KI has better things to do then cater to the whinners all the time.

Jul 05, 2010
atleast make them get it in a higher level cause i think level 28 is to low for them to have it