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Warehouse end bosses

Jul 23, 2009
Ok, the end four bosses of the warehouse. That phrase probably ignites fear mixed with anger mixed with sadness. The two rats and the cat arent that tough, but the bug, ya. Kinda tough. It is almost impossibly hard, especially when it is the only boss left. I really think the scarecrow spell should be taken off of it. That is the only part that makes it almost unbeatable. The team that i was with had various team members die at least three times before they finally just gave up. If the scarecrow spell got taken off of the bug boss, then it would at most REALLY hard

Jun 13, 2010
Can't say I agree, sorry. :(

I've lost to that boss twice before beating him. Sweet, sweet victory. Anyway, apparently you haven't lost to him enough times to plan out a good strategy.

I'll go ahead and say it anyway, kill the rats first; they shield. We killed the rats one at a time. After that you'll have to deal with the cat and the bug. They'll already be at full health, so heal all you want (the cat uses Rebirth every time you heal. Their rebirth heals 750 with no absorb). Next comes the cat. After he's dead you are now free to heal :D. Now the bug will be the last one standing. Don't just hit him with a super strong attack, if he doesn't die he will scarecrow. Best way to kill the bug is if everyone uses a strong spell all in one turn.

Note----- You don't have to beat the Warehouse to get to Celestia. :3

Jun 09, 2009
He only spams scarecrow after his allies are gone, so I just blade up, kill cat, we kill bug next turn.

Aug 23, 2009
It is far from unbeatable, you should use your observations or other resources to come up with a useful strategy based on what you know about the boss to work around it. It is supposed to be a challenge, and since it will not be necessary to defeat to obtain access to Celestia-much to my personal chagrin-it should not be made easier just because some people have a little difficulty with it. Though a badge signifying completion of it would be nice so others can see how many have defeated it instead of saying only a small minority have, and stop their whining about it.

Aug 15, 2009
After spending well over four hours of healing up and running back I have found the best way to beat the warehouse is not to waste the time its just to bad the quest is wasting a quest slot in the quest book cause i never want to do that place again. to all those who can beat it good for you but i am convinced those who can beat it are far from a majority and most likely really love towers. but towers to me are just a necessary evil and glad the game is varied enough that they dont take up the bulk of the game. And i am extremely glad it isnt what it takes for celestia or I would have just restarted new wizards when i got that far.

May 20, 2010
The warehouse is easy with the right combination of wizards, and when all four wizards know what to do. The hard part is getting everybody to cooperate.

Step One: make the right group. Have a Life wizard. It's preferable that two of the other three are Storm or Fire.

The Life wizard's only job is to cast Rebirth on the group. Some suggest that Entangle be cast on Knuckles. I've found that it's a waste of time and pips. I've also found that Quench is a waste of time and pips.

The fight itself is simple: The Life wizard keeps everybody healed, and the others one-round each of the Illusionists (the rats) in turn, then Knuckles (the cat), and finally Estrakir.

Jul 23, 2009
Thanks a lot for all of the helpful tips! But I had heard from a fellow wizard that it also helps to have a death with you. The death could use bugile (idk if i spelled that right) on Estricar so she could fire nova or scarecrow the cat and/or rats. And he would be pretty self sufficiant with the whole healing thing. He could also use death dispels on estrikar (if they stay. i know traps are immediatly taken off). :)

Oct 03, 2008
hey guys i just stumbled upon your subject while searching, i just got that quest and haven't even gone in the warehouse yet (most friends have read about it and think its way to hard... :| )

anyway... i saw that Cape36 has said: "Note you dont have to complete wearhouse to get to celestia." how is this possible? because if it is true i really would rather not go up against these guys!

Nicole BattleTamer (not a great name) Level 50 Ice Wizard