I have heard tons of times get death to feint and ice to tower shield, but tower shield just gets you -50% on next attack the opponent uses on you. That is the same thing spirit and elemental shields get you. Feint I sort of get,but can someone explain in more depth.
Also I want to get an elemental school for secondary school, I want to hear from other balance people on how it works out.
PS: I would like people who have had experience in this problem to answer and explain why they made the decision they made. Please don't just tell me to choose some school
I have heard tons of times get death to feint and ice to tower shield, but tower shield just gets you -50% on next attack the opponent uses on you. That is the same thing spirit and elemental shields get you. Feint I sort of get,but can someone explain in more depth.
Also I want to get an elemental school for secondary school, I want to hear from other balance people on how it works out.
PS: I would like people who have had experience in this problem to answer and explain why they made the decision they made. Please don't just tell me to choose some school
I am Balance. My secondary school is life. The reason I chose life is because of the healing spells.
OK well I'm a lvl 41 Balance so I might not have as much experience as some but i know a few things about the school and the best secondary schools to pick ;)
Well, Death to Feint is really good idea, for me it's almost a requirement! If you spend most of your hard-earned training points on Feint I guarantee you will not be disappointed. As for tower, I can see how you would a little hesitant as to spending your hard-earned training points on it, as I was too. But I wanted to try it out so I bought back my training points and trained in Tower. This was the best possible thing I could have done. I'm sure in the arena you've came across a few Balance Wiz who like to use Judgement (Who could blame them?). With the use of the Tower shield, you can easily power-down Judgement by 50%! This is very usefull in the arena. Well, those are two spells that you should definitely train in, as they help loads in the arena and battle as well.
Ok, I have a balance grand and I consider myself somewhat of an expert, since out of all 6 wizards I have (4 of them grands), she is the one I play most often. I have trained her in storm and death because at the time, I was playing with a storm partner and it was allot easier to boost him more with the same school as my secondary.
That being said, I think it really depends on what you want to do with your character. If you intend on doing allot of PvP, then the ice/death combo is good. (ice to tower, death to feint) With your elemental and spirit shields along with tower, it would certainly cut down on the hitting power of your opponent. Defense is the key there.
If you are only looking to farm or help others, then life/death would be good. (life to satyr, death to feint) I have considered retraining and going this route as I spend most of my day farming for items/pets I don't have or helping other wizards with leveling. Even though you have helping hands, you aren't able to revive defeated wizards with it, thus the use for the life healing spells.
If you are working with a partner exclusively, then go with their school as a secondary and death to feint. Feint is very helpful regardless of which school you pair with it as it boosts the damage by 70% to any school.
Take a moment to think about what you want in the future for this particular character and then base your decision on that. Retraining your points can be costly if you do it multiple times so looking ahead would be the best advice I can give you.
Hope this helps you out some and I would be very interested in learning what you decided on [:-)]
I have a balance lvl 49 and his secondary school is storm, it's good 'cause I can get the elemental traps and blades for free. Plus before you learn judgment, your spells wont be too powerful so storm will be good for hitting enemies, plus you get spells that increase accuracy and with balance blade, blade storm, and hex you can really power up your storm spells. Now that I'm lvl 49 i have training points for a tertiary school, I chose life so I could heal, the last training point i get is lvl 50 so then I will get life trap instead of sanctuary.
P.S. When i went back and did Grumish Greataxe at lvl forty something I did a stormzilla with:
I have heard tons of times get death to feint and ice to tower shield, but tower shield just gets you -50% on next attack the opponent uses on you. That is the same thing spirit and elemental shields get you. Feint I sort of get,but can someone explain in more depth.
Also I want to get an elemental school for secondary school, I want to hear from other balance people on how it works out.
PS: I would like people who have had experience in this problem to answer and explain why they made the decision they made. Please don't just tell me to choose some school
Hello there tas95 I can help you with this topic. First of all Balance can pretty much pick any secondary they want because they have a sheild for every school ( besides its own. ) But you want an elemental school so I think you should actually get some healing spells or do death as your secondary first so that way you have more than just Helping Hands for healing. But you don't have to, but it would be a wise choice for a secondary school. For my wizard I picked Storm as secondary, but you should pick what you think is more important power ( Fire & Storm ) or protection ( Ice ) if you want an elemental school as your secondary. Well thats all my tips, I hope they are useful! ty for reading.
Christopher JadeBlade lvl.50 Theurgist Savior of the Spiral
P.S- I might be a Theurgist but I know what I'm talking about.
I have a balance wiz at level 46 that is a 100% balance, no secondary school at all. He has solo'd the entire game with little trouble. The only challenge is going up against balance enemies but that can be worked around with the elemental blast and/or elemental minion. The main reason I didn't pick a secondary school is I wanted to wait to see what Celestia has to offer. But I found that balance gave me everything I needed.
Given the elemental blast and elemental minion I really don't see a need for an elemental school as a secondary. Remember, fire and storm will have a lower accuracy rate than your balance spells. And with the standard balance shields, you have little need for tower shield. Yes, it might help against balance enemies but really not worth the training points.
If I were to get a secondary school I would either do death to Feint to really power Judgement and maybe life to Satyr for healing. Though for healing the standard Pixie and balance's Helping Hands combined with the Troll Ear pendant from MB provides all the healing one needs.
Hope this helps. Balance is very fun. Try it solo and see what happens! Good luck!
I am playing a balance/myth. Death would be an awesome second choice because you can damage and heal. Life is good for the healing, but you're not going to do a lot of damage. I chose myth because this was my second character and my first was a death. I think you should pick something from the spirit side (Death, Myth, or Life) because these three schools get a bonus against balance enemies. The tower shield is nice, but you can get that from equipment if you really want it. I don't know of anything that gives Feint, but I could be wrong.
I have one Balance wizard that I have solo'd up to grandmaster (which the exeption of a few bosses and Malistaire). I will not make another Balance wizard unless KI creates a prism for Balance.
I took Ice up to Tower Shield. Yes, your Elemental Shield and Spirit Shields get you the same 50% protection. However, the Tower Shield is the only shield that will defend you against Balance attacks. Plus you get the Fire/Storm shield, which are higher defense and covers you against the 2 strongest elemental schools.
I took Death up to Feint. That 70% trap makes all the difference in the world when you are saving up pips for that one good Judgement attack. The other advantage is that you will have death attacks up to Skeletal Pirate when you are fighting Balance. Balance monsters are weak against the sprit schools, but have high resistance to Balance attacks, and they don't start using the spirit shield until late MS or early DS.
Life up to Sprite. You can go for Satyr, but I don't see the point. You already have Helping Hands if you want to heal someone else. But the problem with Helping Hands is that it will not revive a defeated wizard. That is why I recommend Sprite, which you can then follow up with the Helping Hands.
Any other training points you have can be saved for when Celestia comes out (sometime in the next millenium).
The other thing you should do is always have the best Balance wand/staff/sword you can get equipped. There is no reason at all to use anything else. Balance's 2 blades and one trap (Balance Blade, Bladestorm, Hex) are universal -- meaning any type of attack, from any school will trigger it. Since your equipment should be giving you boosts for Balance damage, using a Balance wand/staff/sword will give you the highest possible damage from such an attack.
You have the advantage that only a Tower Shield will protect the monster from your attacks (with the exception of your Elemental Blast {OK} and Hydra {pathetic}). But you also have the disadvantage when it comes to getting hit with those (way too many) Weakness. Anything you attempt to do to get rid of the Weakness will trigger your Balance blades and Balance traps (and your Feint), so you might as well ignore it and hit as hard as can anyway.
Quite frankly, you should spend training points to learn those spells that either enhance your school of focus (such as the Feint for more damage), or to make up for what is lacking in your school of focus (such as Tower Shield, in order to defend against you own school of attack; or Sprite in order to revive when Helping Hands can't; a spirit school of attack to use against Balance monsters).
I think it makes sense not to pick an elemental school because balance is mixed in with the elemental schools anyway. So i'm gonna pretend those dont exist right now :P Life: You can heal other people, and yourself. Plus helping hands can't heal the dead, so if you want to heal other people you need satyr or sprite. And since balance has no tower shield like ice, you could use absorb. Death: Only plus i can think of is feint. Myth: Eventually you get earthquake and so for your elemental spells or other balance spells you could break shields and blades that are being used against you. The only downside is earthquake takes a lot of pips.
i have such a hard time choosing a secondary school for my balance person. i like to commit my training points to one second school only. thats why its so hard! lol! i keep redoing my balance cause i'm unhappy with my secondary school. i chose death this time so i hope its a good choice!