hi i am ski23 and i am looking for some statues: hydra,headmaster,wraith,helephant,triton. I have heard which bosses to fight to get them but i am not sure if they are correct so please tell me if you know. Also i have done sergeant skullsplitter so many times trying to get triton,and being a level 48 storm wizard i kill him on the first or second round. I was wondering if you get the statues from a fast kill,or a slow long kill.
Thank you level48 storm wizard Wolf Dragon level 37 balance wizard Sean Dragonhead level 8 life wizard :D :-D
You can find complete lists with pictures and who drops them at Wizard101central.com.
As far as I can tell, drop rate has nothing to do with the type/speed/number of players/size of damage or any other factor of battle. It is completely random. I fought Skullspliter about 3 days before he finally dropped the statue: I had been farming him for a several hours that afternoon. Gave it up for a while then went in for one last try before turning in for the night and BAM he drops it!
When I went to get the cyclops statue, he dropped in in 3 tries. Go figure.