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Aesthetic teleport ideas

Jul 26, 2009
The teleport effects are already pretty good, but for some schools I think it should change. Ice, fire and life already have good teleports, but myth, storm, balance and death, in my opinion, could be much better. I will mention ideas for all the schools: Ice, stick with what it has already, fire, burst of fire and then teleport away similar to the fire elves when they're defeated, storm, either something to do with water and waves or a storm cloud that strikes lightning and makes a big flash, death, I actually can't think of anything for death so please submit ideas in your replies, life, could probably stay the same but ideas are welcome like with death, myth, maybe something to do with rocks or something, balance, this one is my favorite, a sandstorm appears around the wizard, obscuring him/her, and then dissipates, revealing that the wizard is gone.

Please reply! Please give any ideas you have! And KingsIsle, please don't completely ignore us all and just add some of this stuff please?

Feb 11, 2010
Maybe life wizards should have a unicorn pop up and have bow( :P Like
healing :P) and teleport you.

May 26, 2009
That commment about the unicorn teleport, maybe a little to much for a telleport. Maybe life could be somethig like a green light beam comes down on you and swirls with tree leaves then there is a burst of rqainbow then it loads and you are wherever you teleported to. I think this topic should get more answers xD good ideas, good ideas...

Mar 29, 2009
I like the teleports the way they are, but i do have a suggestion for death. On some of the death wands, skeleton hands come up and drain the health of the enemy. When you port what should happen is those skeleton hands come up and drag you under the ground and a bunch of death signs should float around like in the one now. 8)

Dec 26, 2009
Death can faint and they will be taken under the ground and to their friend. When they arrive the person will have their soul come back in their heart and they can move.