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Come on Wizard101 PLEASE!

Sep 13, 2009
Our whole family has accounts on wizzard101 and we have fun together playing it as a family. My problem, as the mother here, is we invest time and now money and lots of it for the kids (and ourselves) to be able to fully play the game. They ask for cards for Christmas and their birthdays. My daughter bought a house for 15,000 gold and now you throw it in our faces as players and so disrespect us by wanting her to resell it for only 700 and some gold. Are you kidding? Not only that but then to rub it in our faces a little more we find it very hard to even get the amount of gold, just for doing quest, to buy the next level clothing. By the time one of us turns say level 25 there is no way to have the gold for all of the items to make a strong player. I understand you need to make some money but can you show us a little respect by allowing us to make it a little bit. At least half back for anything sold would be only FAIR! The prices for crowns can get crazy and in this hard time for our families you keep expecting people to play? I would hate to tell my kids no more. PLEASE do something about this. I don't know all the prices right now and my 11 year old daughter said with the sale right now on crowns for 60000 for around $60.00 (which I paid $80.00 for that amount) she bought the house for $25.00 REAL money and she can only sell it for $0.75 REAL money! So you expect me as a parent to buy a house for my daughter for $25.00 and LOSE $24.25 if she sells it? And the only reason she WANTS to sell it is so she can afford her clothes for her wizard that just leveled up. I think the numbers could be better if looked at and be good for us while making you your money at the same time.

While I am here it would be nice for the different accounts under the same family plan to be able to share stuff too. Do you know how many times I could have helped my kids with gold or even clothes? I would have my daughter’s hat while my husband had mine. I think there should be a shared bank for family accounts also. I have the gold I could give my daughter right now to buy her level 25 wizard but now have to worry about getting more or her selling EVERYTHING trying to save the gold (which by the time she does she will be level 30).

I would like to be able to buy crowns on MY account and when my kids need something buy it for them (leave it in the FAMILY BANK where they can retrieve them) so I know they are not just wasting the crowns aka our real, hard earned money .

I really am not trying to be mean or rude but please look out for us who do play and make you money. As a family we really do enjoy the game and we get on our different computers to play as a family.

Dec 14, 2009
You brought up some good points, but KI will never acquiesce. They control the currency with far tighter reins than most mmorpg's. They are first and foremost a business,and I doubt they will do much to capitulate the masses in this respect.

A+ Student
Jan 05, 2009
You can buy crowns on your main account and transfer it to your sub-accounts. This means you could take advantage of the 60K crowns for $60 and allocate it out. Again, crowns are a luxury item, and is like getting steaks on hamburger night, nice if you can do it, but hamburgers will feed you just fine.

As far as selling, the big thing that is wrong with your 'sell back high' idea is that it would also happen to sell back high for all dropped items, and that would really mess up the economy.

Clothing....you get six characters per account....if you don't sell it back and save it for your next character in the account's common bank it would save coins...especially if you save items for other schools you wish to play. I only put 'hand-me-downs' in the common bank. If you are looking for a specific item just farm for it, whcih gives two benefits: 1) no need to spend coins and 2) more items to sell.

Houses: It is tough to buy a house until you end up in Moo Shu, where the monies start to build up. Until then, the dorm room should be find for all the items you recieve.