^^That link has all the info you need on the gift cards.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Aug/4/2009 11:15 am
I clicked on this link but it doesn't show the updated pets and items from the different stores. For example, for Walmart it shows the Shock Colossus which I got after Christmas. Where can I find an update new list? I just got 2 cards for my birthday-1 from Walmart and 1 from Walgreens and I don't want 1 more shock colossus (i already have 3 or 4). Can you please tell me where to get a current list of what pets come with what store card please? Thank you ahead of time.
The thing I don't get is. Your paying 10$ For a Memebership, some use 20$. But, what bothers me is, your paying MONEY to Wizard101.. Why don't we get better spells? I like the Dryad spell, but I got a Storm Shield as one of my Spells, that's not that fair I payed money to get on Wizard101, and all I got was a lousy Spell.