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Character Home Switching and Furniture

Jul 04, 2010
Hey guys,
I have one of the Krokatopian houses, all tricked out with egyptian..err krokatopian furniture and I love it. However, I just made it to Mooshu and found a house I love more. Fickle I know hehe.

At any rate, if I were to unequip said krok house with all its furniture inside and move it to my lower character via the shared bank, and have the lower character equip it, will all the furnishings still be in the room when the lower character uses it? Or do I have to remove all the furnishings before the house transfer and re-place everything again?

Thanks for your time,

Houses cannot be placed in the Shared Bank.

If you want to purchase a new house, and move all the items from your current house into your new one, you will need to use the Pick Up All button. This button (on the decorating interface) will need to be used both inside and outside your current home.
It will place all items in each area into your attic.
Once the current house is empty, you can unequip it, then just equip the new house and start decorating again!

If you want the prize, you have to build the ladder rung by rung. There are no shortcuts.