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How 2 Get into Colossus Boulevard

Jun 26, 2009
you have to get done with all the wizard city member world quests such as the places listed below
firecat alley
crylops lane :D

your firend,
www55 :D ;)

Apr 08, 2009
gtippett wrote:
ahaaa!! thanks ev1 for this post...i just got finished with Harvest Lord and Triton Ave. and the dang Colossus Smith is the only one i have left to find, but i cant get in there lol...guess ill have to wait a while...grrr...off to finish Firecat Alley & Cyclops Lane then...the Smith Quest will have to sit there for a while..

I remember where most of the smiths are but not all of them.

Apr 08, 2009
Sora436 wrote:
Uhhhh... OK so I've beaten General Akilles, Harvest Lord, Kraken, Working on that Banshee on Firecat, and well pretty much beaten Cyclops Lane and Triton Avenue... So am I close? wats the other boss i have to fight? is it the banshee???

You have to fight the banshee and alicane swiftarrow (last boos in firecat alley). you fight him in the fireglobe theatre and then yo are pretty much finished with Firecat alley.

Apr 08, 2009
Dorano208 wrote:
So,you get into Colossues Boulevard by defeating the Harvest Lord,Swiftarrow,and Eyeus Maximus? Please correct me if I'm wrong!

You have to fight theses bosses before going into CB:

Firecat Alley: Alicane Swifftarrow

Triton Avenue: Kraken

Cyclops lane: General akilles ( you fight him after you have fought Eyeus Maximus).

Sep 05, 2008
Apr 22, 2009
gtippett/connor- lots of last names, if you still check this forum, its your buddy sarai- lots of dragon last names, from last summer! if you see this, reply and maybe we can meet up in the game again! sorry to just post this randomly, just trying to find you!!!

Sarai Dragonstone- Grandmaster Thaumaturge
Sarai Dragonheart- Master Diviner
Sarai Dragoneyes- Adept Sorcerer

Mar 31, 2010
koolboy222 wrote:
Dorano208 wrote:
So,you get into Colossues Boulevard by defeating the Harvest Lord,Swiftarrow,and Eyeus Maximus? Please correct me if I'm wrong!

You have to fight theses bosses before going into CB:

Firecat Alley: Alicane Swifftarrow

Triton Avenue: Kraken

Cyclops lane: General akilles ( you fight him after you have fought Eyeus Maximus).

I beat Akilles beofre Eyeus....

Aug 07, 2009
Jul 16, 2010
OK this is simple after you go into fireglobe theater to defeat that fire elf boss then you talk to this one private and he says that (firecat alley is too dangerous) but you have to beat it then you talk to ambrose and you are sent to collous boulevard and you have to defeat lord night shade :D :D :D SEE YA

Jun 06, 2010
right before you get to fight faulgaze you get the quest to go in clossus k yw :)

Jun 06, 2010