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house sharing

Jul 22, 2009
i would love for us to be able to share our houses with all of our wizards. if it is the same account. why not ?

Feb 18, 2010
Thought I posted on this thread before. I agree. Why should my daughter have to purchase a separate house? Why cant we just share one? I am already paying for both accounts anyway. I have to buy separate houses too?

Jul 04, 2009
You cannot share anything between 2 separate accounts. You do not have to spend any real money to purchase a house.

Think of the houses as No Trade items. When a wizard purchases a house, only that wizard has the deed and it is non-transferable.

Dec 13, 2009
plumeriasj wrote:
i would love for us to be able to share our houses with all of our wizards. if it is the same account. why not ?

I agree with you. we should be able to put our lands (castles) in our shared so that we can share between our wizards on the same account just like we do with our mount. That way we can also show our friends or work on them with out having to change wizards all the time.