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What Balance Truly Is. Stop Fighting.

Nov 26, 2008
They're plenty of forums dicussing Balance. Whether one of them is deffending Judgement and it's shields, or another is ranting about how overpowered Balance is. As Balance Wizards, I think it is fair for us to have a voice in this continuous 'problem'. I understand that some think it is overpowered because they have never played a Balance Wiz, and do not understand it's role in combat, as well as its history.
I think it's fair that if the one's who hate Balance lecture us, we must occasionally lecture them.

Balance is the center of all the schools. That being said, it has a little bit of everything as well as some things of it's own. Many say Balance is a weak school that draws it's power from other schools as if it were a parisite.
Some, however, truly understand Balance and know it is a school that puzzles together bits and pieces from the other schools to achieve something greater. Keep in mind that that IS in the game and I did not make it up myself.
So what is Balance? Balance is EVERYTHING. It is order, it's opposite would be chaos (which, in fact, is Death. Explaining how Death has a boost against Balance.).
Balance is not 'sand', it is Fire, Ice and Storm. I know many do not know that, as I recall someone once saying,"Hydra isn't even Balance!" Which of course it is.
As I already have said, Balance puzzles together all the schools to create something different and greater of power. So what makes Balance unique? It's shields, Judgement, no dispells against it and no shields against it.
You see? Without those things Balance is NOTHING. It having these things does not make it 'overpowered' it makes it unique.
Why, I've never heard someone calling Ice overpowered for its Frost Armor.
Nor Storm for it's powerful attacks.
I'm not saying that you should complain against these schools, I'm saying People choose to bully Balance because they do not understand it.

This post was for those who do not to understand what Balance is.

Stop fighting.

Without Balance the Spiral would fall into Chaos.

That means you're dead.

See ya in the Spiral!

Jun 22, 2010
some issues you dont understand about balance.

1. Each damage type in the game has up two 3 types of defense
shield avalible to reduce incoming damage. Balance has none.

2. Tower shield can be used however it can easily be punched through by a
high pip judgment spell. Using a treasure tower to defend agaist it should not be considered and option because no school should require treasure card to be used to defend agaist it.

3. Balance is a 1 trick pony that 90% time never can be beaten if they have proper deck construction. Balance users just spam class defense shields on them self endlessly while waiting on pips. once they have enough pips most GM balance users will blow through a tower + weakness (most with sence will wand this off) and the match is over. To defend agaist balance takes so much time it allows them to build pips once enough are build its and I win button in most cases.

My GM storm wizard wins alot of matches and is a powerful character. However beating and experianced balance user is near impossible unless treasure cards are used which should never be the case when dueling.

If there was a balance dispell or shield avaible this would not be the case.
Balance is not balanced vs other classes when dueling comes into play. In Pve it works fine however.

Mar 01, 2009
WaterGirl101 wrote:
They're plenty of forums dicussing Balance. Whether one of them is deffending Judgement and it's shields, or another is ranting about how overpowered Balance is. As Balance Wizards, I think it is fair for us to have a voice in this continuous 'problem'. I understand that some think it is overpowered because they have never played a Balance Wiz, and do not understand it's role in combat, as well as its history.
I think it's fair that if the one's who hate Balance lecture us, we must occasionally lecture them.

Balance is the center of all the schools. That being said, it has a little bit of everything as well as some things of it's own. Many say Balance is a weak school that draws it's power from other schools as if it were a parisite.
Some, however, truly understand Balance and know it is a school that puzzles together bits and pieces from the other schools to achieve something greater. Keep in mind that that IS in the game and I did not make it up myself.
So what is Balance? Balance is EVERYTHING. It is order, it's opposite would be chaos (which, in fact, is Death. Explaining how Death has a boost against Balance.).
Balance is not 'sand', it is Fire, Ice and Storm. I know many do not know that, as I recall someone once saying,"Hydra isn't even Balance!" Which of course it is.
As I already have said, Balance puzzles together all the schools to create something different and greater of power. So what makes Balance unique? It's shields, Judgement, no dispells against it and no shields against it.
You see? Without those things Balance is NOTHING. It having these things does not make it 'overpowered' it makes it unique.
Why, I've never heard someone calling Ice overpowered for its Frost Armor.
Nor Storm for it's powerful attacks.
I'm not saying that you should complain against these schools, I'm saying People choose to bully Balance because they do not understand it.

This post was for those who do not to understand what Balance is.

Stop fighting.

Without Balance the Spiral would fall into Chaos.

That means you're dead.

See ya in the Spiral!

well there are a lot of unfair things about balance and what you said
1. If the world fell into chaos wouldn't life wizards be able to heal it?
2.All spiritual attacks(life, myth, and death) have a boost against balance
3.Judgement can kill in one hit
4.The only shields against it is absorb, frost armor, and tower shield
5.It can shield against almost all schools except itself
6.Balance has 2 kinds of blades(not including spiritual and elemental) they are one that can be used on one person and gives 25% and the other that gives all friends one
7.ALL other schools have a dispell spell even life and that works on HEALS too
8.Ice isn't overpowered because it takes very little damage and storm has a bad accuracy but balance is very strong and very accurate
9.It is only fair that ice has a spell that does more for having more pips even if it is a shield which is mainly what ice is for

Just saying

Scarlet RedThorn grandmaster fire
Chris DeathBringer lvl 34 look at the name and guess though you'll most likely be wrong

Feb 15, 2009
WaterGirl101 wrote:
They're plenty of forums dicussing Balance. Whether one of them is deffending Judgement and it's shields, or another is ranting about how overpowered Balance is. As Balance Wizards, I think it is fair for us to have a voice in this continuous 'problem'. I understand that some think it is overpowered because they have never played a Balance Wiz, and do not understand it's role in combat, as well as its history.
I think it's fair that if the one's who hate Balance lecture us, we must occasionally lecture them.

Balance is the center of all the schools. That being said, it has a little bit of everything as well as some things of it's own. Many say Balance is a weak school that draws it's power from other schools as if it were a parisite.
Some, however, truly understand Balance and know it is a school that puzzles together bits and pieces from the other schools to achieve something greater. Keep in mind that that IS in the game and I did not make it up myself.
So what is Balance? Balance is EVERYTHING. It is order, it's opposite would be chaos (which, in fact, is Death. Explaining how Death has a boost against Balance.).
Balance is not 'sand', it is Fire, Ice and Storm. I know many do not know that, as I recall someone once saying,"Hydra isn't even Balance!" Which of course it is.
As I already have said, Balance puzzles together all the schools to create something different and greater of power. So what makes Balance unique? It's shields, Judgement, no dispells against it and no shields against it.
You see? Without those things Balance is NOTHING. It having these things does not make it 'overpowered' it makes it unique.
Why, I've never heard someone calling Ice overpowered for its Frost Armor.
Nor Storm for it's powerful attacks.
I'm not saying that you should complain against these schools, I'm saying People choose to bully Balance because they do not understand it.

This post was for those who do not to understand what Balance is.

Stop fighting.

Without Balance the Spiral would fall into Chaos.

That means you're dead.

See ya in the Spiral!
The history book in the school ofe life clearly states that life is order. If you don't believe me go read it.

Feb 15, 2009
The spiral would not fall into chaos, balance, according to the history, is the newest school though they all came out along with the game, the schools, according to history fire ice and storm were the first 3 in existance, that means the spiral once lived without balance so it can again

Feb 15, 2009
LetterBee wrote:
WaterGirl101 wrote:
They're plenty of forums dicussing Balance. Whether one of them is deffending Judgement and it's shields, or another is ranting about how overpowered Balance is. As Balance Wizards, I think it is fair for us to have a voice in this continuous 'problem'. I understand that some think it is overpowered because they have never played a Balance Wiz, and do not understand it's role in combat, as well as its history.
I think it's fair that if the one's who hate Balance lecture us, we must occasionally lecture them.

Balance is the center of all the schools. That being said, it has a little bit of everything as well as some things of it's own. Many say Balance is a weak school that draws it's power from other schools as if it were a parisite.
Some, however, truly understand Balance and know it is a school that puzzles together bits and pieces from the other schools to achieve something greater. Keep in mind that that IS in the game and I did not make it up myself.
So what is Balance? Balance is EVERYTHING. It is order, it's opposite would be chaos (which, in fact, is Death. Explaining how Death has a boost against Balance.).
Balance is not 'sand', it is Fire, Ice and Storm. I know many do not know that, as I recall someone once saying,"Hydra isn't even Balance!" Which of course it is.
As I already have said, Balance puzzles together all the schools to create something different and greater of power. So what makes Balance unique? It's shields, Judgement, no dispells against it and no shields against it.
You see? Without those things Balance is NOTHING. It having these things does not make it 'overpowered' it makes it unique.
Why, I've never heard someone calling Ice overpowered for its Frost Armor.
Nor Storm for it's powerful attacks.
I'm not saying that you should complain against these schools, I'm saying People choose to bully Balance because they do not understand it.

This post was for those who do not to understand what Balance is.

Stop fighting.

Without Balance the Spiral would fall into Chaos.

That means you're dead.

See ya in the Spiral!

well there are a lot of unfair things about balance and what you said
1. DEATH IS NOT CHAOS! If it was life would be more like balance.
2.All spiritual attacks(life, myth, and death) have a boos against balance
3.Judgement can kill in one hit
4.The only shields against it is absorb, frost armor, and tower shield
5.It can shield against almost all schools except itself
6.Balance has 2 kinds of blades(not including spiritual and elemental) they are one that can be used on one person and gives 25% and the other that gives all friends one
7.ALL other schools have a dispell spell even life and that works on HEALS too
8.Ice isn't overpowered because it takes very little damage and storm has a bad accuracy but balance is very strong and very accurate
9.It is only fair that ice has a spell that does more for having more pips even if it is a shield which is mainly what ice is for

Just saying

Scarlet RedThorn grandmaster fire
Chris DeathBringer lvl 34 look at the name and guess though you'll most likely be wrong
It clearly states in the death school book that death is chaos

Jun 11, 2010
Being a balance student I understand this. You see no school is better than the other. Each one has a strength and a weakness. Balance has moderate attacks and fairly high accuracy. So it is not overpowered. Maybe people try to get balance to look weak so their school looks more powerful. Maybe they make it look to powerful to get someone to lower their attacks which would make the game a good bit easier. But I can't wait till the day we can all under stand that NO SCHOOL IS BETTER THAN THE OTHER. I hope that all balance students just try to ignore the people who try to make the balance school look bad, and continue with their lives.

Jasmine StormBlood
Lv. 12 Initiate Sorcerer

Jun 07, 2010
No matter what kind of MMOG you play there will always be people saying something is overpowered, this needs to change, Blah, blah. So if you are a Balance lover or hater, it makes no difference. People just need to play whatever class they are more effectively. Everybody who is anybody wants an I WIN button, in every single MMORPG out their.

I do not get how people say Balance is overpowered, why, because of judgement? Judgement , for it to be extremly deadly cost Pips, and more Pips. This is probly the only affective spell Balance has that can one shot someone IF you have the PIPS.

People mention that Balance has great accuracy, well then, there is something wrong with my Balance wiz, because he FiZZles most of the time. There are THREE other Schools that do BOOST damage on Balance, while all the other Schools have just ONE School that does Boost damage.

Balance lovers-Rock on
Balance haters- Learn to play your class more effectively. Please

Balance takes a nak to get use to, and how to play it. Those that hate Balance? Well, simple solution, make a Balance wiz, for yourselves, and see how underpowered Balance is, and how much Balance Fizzles.

Mar 11, 2010
I have never tried a balance wizard, but from what I can tell Balance is actually at a severe disadvantage when it comes to PvE. If you're a Sorcerer and you come across a Balance boss, what will you do to kill it? Not only can it use Elemental Shield as well as Spirit Shield, but it also has an ~80% Balance resist, rendering Judgement useless. In PvP, however, Balance is well.. erm... balanced, seeing as it's impossible to get an 80% resist to any one school.
See you in the Spiral,
Jacob Deathbringer, Grandmaster Necromancer

Mar 01, 2009
bravevline wrote:
LetterBee wrote:
WaterGirl101 wrote:
They're plenty of forums dicussing Balance. Whether one of them is deffending Judgement and it's shields, or another is ranting about how overpowered Balance is. As Balance Wizards, I think it is fair for us to have a voice in this continuous 'problem'. I understand that some think it is overpowered because they have never played a Balance Wiz, and do not understand it's role in combat, as well as its history.
I think it's fair that if the one's who hate Balance lecture us, we must occasionally lecture them.

Balance is the center of all the schools. That being said, it has a little bit of everything as well as some things of it's own. Many say Balance is a weak school that draws it's power from other schools as if it were a parisite.
Some, however, truly understand Balance and know it is a school that puzzles together bits and pieces from the other schools to achieve something greater. Keep in mind that that IS in the game and I did not make it up myself.
So what is Balance? Balance is EVERYTHING. It is order, it's opposite would be chaos (which, in fact, is Death. Explaining how Death has a boost against Balance.).
Balance is not 'sand', it is Fire, Ice and Storm. I know many do not know that, as I recall someone once saying,"Hydra isn't even Balance!" Which of course it is.
As I already have said, Balance puzzles together all the schools to create something different and greater of power. So what makes Balance unique? It's shields, Judgement, no dispells against it and no shields against it.
You see? Without those things Balance is NOTHING. It having these things does not make it 'overpowered' it makes it unique.
Why, I've never heard someone calling Ice overpowered for its Frost Armor.
Nor Storm for it's powerful attacks.
I'm not saying that you should complain against these schools, I'm saying People choose to bully Balance because they do not understand it.

This post was for those who do not to understand what Balance is.

Stop fighting.

Without Balance the Spiral would fall into Chaos.

That means you're dead.

See ya in the Spiral!

well there are a lot of unfair things about balance and what you said
1. DEATH IS NOT CHAOS! If it was life would be more like balance.
2.All spiritual attacks(life, myth, and death) have a boos against balance
3.Judgement can kill in one hit
4.The only shields against it is absorb, frost armor, and tower shield
5.It can shield against almost all schools except itself
6.Balance has 2 kinds of blades(not including spiritual and elemental) they are one that can be used on one person and gives 25% and the other that gives all friends one
7.ALL other schools have a dispell spell even life and that works on HEALS too
8.Ice isn't overpowered because it takes very little damage and storm has a bad accuracy but balance is very strong and very accurate
9.It is only fair that ice has a spell that does more for having more pips even if it is a shield which is mainly what ice is for

Just saying

Scarlet RedThorn grandmaster fire
Chris DeathBringer lvl 34 look at the name and guess though you'll most likely be wrong
It clearly states in the death school book that death is chaos

whatever i don't spend all of my time on wizard101 just to read the books about the schools but if it'll make you happy i can edit my post

Jun 07, 2010
mythomagic6 wrote:
I have never tried a balance wizard, but from what I can tell Balance is actually at a severe disadvantage when it comes to PvE. If you're a Sorcerer and you come across a Balance boss, what will you do to kill it? Not only can it use Elemental Shield as well as Spirit Shield, but it also has an ~80% Balance resist, rendering Judgement useless. In PvP, however, Balance is well.. erm... balanced, seeing as it's impossible to get an 80% resist to any one school.
See you in the Spiral,
Jacob Deathbringer, Grandmaster Necromancer

If you're a Sorcerer and you come across a Balance boss, what will you do to kill it?

They are tough, that's for sure, This is when you may want to reli on whatever secondary School you are. But you can get some damage on a Balance School Creature with a lot of blading and trapping. Also spam black mantle on them, Mander minion will do wanders, at helping you fight off same school NPC by supplying you with PiPs. Also tip: never have same school wand, use opposite wand that does boost damage on Balance.

I never understood why so many Wizards I seen in Dueling situations would use the same school wand. I always used opposite wand of whatever school of focus I was. Fire-Ice/Storm-Myth/Life-Death, etc. It will also save you from using up one of your traps, if wand cards are the only cards that came up for that round. It does not take rocket Science, to figure it out... LOL

You'd be surprised as to having an opposite wand, what it can do when Bladed or trapped. Judgement is not rendered useless it can still do damage, but you need a powerful judgement to lower the HP's at a rapid pace on same school NPC.

Elemental Blast is also good on Same School NPC. But a boosted Elemental blast works best on them. Although I never notice if Elemental Blast is a Resist on Balance or not, because it being a Balance spell? I think it is whatever it decides to be when casted. (IE. Fire, Ice, or Storm damage. not a Balance spell, presay) Hmmm, now I want to test this one out, just to make sure.

Jun 30, 2009
Where not here to discuss who is the oldest, and who is the best. But seriously? Your going to make a deal over a school. If you hate Balance so much, why do you choose to fight them? Of course, it's because you don't want to drop down in PVP. It's a game! Get over it, all you do is sit down and whine about how unfair it is that you have to fight a Balance. Well, if you don't like it as a said before, don't fight them, or Just make a Balance Wizard... Get off the subject of Balance. It's like saying "God is stronger." "No Satan is.." It's a problem, we can end HERE and NOW! If you just give it up.

Jun 21, 2009
I dissagree that balance is a mix of everything. It only focuses on 3 of the 7 schools (or 8 not including death). Fyi, balance is orange and not white (which is a mix of everything.)

Feb 14, 2009
MercMissionary wrote:
I dissagree that balance is a mix of everything. It only focuses on 3 of the 7 schools (or 8 not including death). Fyi, balance is orange and not white (which is a mix of everything.)

It focuses on 3 of 6 schools, because it can not focus on itself when it draws pieces from others. And balance is orange, tan, and maroon.

And here is your ice armor complaint forum https://www.wizard101.com/posts/list/22255.ftl you're welcome. lol
some schools are only good if you know how to play them. Most of which are the spirits and balance. Personally I think anyone can do just plain damage (fire and storm), but to have the other 5 schools you have to think a bit and plan ahead

May 12, 2010
WaterGirl101 wrote:
They're plenty of forums dicussing Balance. Whether one of them is deffending Judgement and it's shields, or another is ranting about how overpowered Balance is. As Balance Wizards, I think it is fair for us to have a voice in this continuous 'problem'. I understand that some think it is overpowered because they have never played a Balance Wiz, and do not understand it's role in combat, as well as its history.
I think it's fair that if the one's who hate Balance lecture us, we must occasionally lecture them.

Balance is the center of all the schools. That being said, it has a little bit of everything as well as some things of it's own. Many say Balance is a weak school that draws it's power from other schools as if it were a parisite.
Some, however, truly understand Balance and know it is a school that puzzles together bits and pieces from the other schools to achieve something greater. Keep in mind that that IS in the game and I did not make it up myself.
So what is Balance? Balance is EVERYTHING. It is order, it's opposite would be chaos (which, in fact, is Death. Explaining how Death has a boost against Balance.).
Balance is not 'sand', it is Fire, Ice and Storm. I know many do not know that, as I recall someone once saying,"Hydra isn't even Balance!" Which of course it is.
As I already have said, Balance puzzles together all the schools to create something different and greater of power. So what makes Balance unique? It's shields, Judgement, no dispells against it and no shields against it.
You see? Without those things Balance is NOTHING. It having these things does not make it 'overpowered' it makes it unique.
Why, I've never heard someone calling Ice overpowered for its Frost Armor.
Nor Storm for it's powerful attacks.
I'm not saying that you should complain against these schools, I'm saying People choose to bully Balance because they do not understand it.

This post was for those who do not to understand what Balance is.

Stop fighting.

Without Balance the Spiral would fall into Chaos.

That means you're dead.

See ya in the Spiral!

i could not agree more

Mar 29, 2009
Wow thats really deep :D Good job :) So true! haha
And Balance is just like every other school, it has its advantages and disadvantages. But ya like you said its just a game no reason to make a big fuss about it

Catherine Windrider Lvl 49 Balance

Jan 30, 2010
There is no best school. If there was, everybody would choose it. Balance possibility colors are tan maroon orange purple (idk why) and brown. I would recommend using dark brown, as it makes clothes significantly cheaper. Ok. Back on topic. Balance has disadvantages. We have three. That is a big difference. You balance haters just plop down on the couch and start thinking up new ideas against balance. Only people who truly understand balance can be effective with it. With balance, as the other spirit types, comes responsibility, maturity, and planning. Who cares if you fight a balance in PvP?? It isn't a big deal. My balance wizard can destroy other sorcerers with a good hard fight. Judgement is not a huge advantage. with power comes pips. We can do 1400 damage, but that requires all seven pips, and they have to be power pips! only the high gm can accomplish this feat, unless you have extreme luck. Now quit complaining about balance. If you think its too good, THEN WHY DON'T YOU MAKE A SORCERER?? WHAT WOULD YOU HAVE AGAINST BALANCE THEN???? :? :? :? :? :? :? Just make a sorcerer. You will not be disappointed. END of conversation! (btw this speech comes from someone below 6th grade. We "little kids" know what we're talking about! So don't put us down as inexperienced individuals! It's insulting!)

Jun 06, 2009
well there are a lot of unfair things about balance and what you said
1. If the world fell into chaos wouldn't life wizards be able to heal it?
2.All spiritual attacks(life, myth, and death) have a boost against balance
3.Judgement can kill in one hit
4.The only shields against it is absorb, frost armor, and tower shield
5.It can shield against almost all schools except itself
6.Balance has 2 kinds of blades(not including spiritual and elemental) they are one that can be used on one person and gives 25% and the other that gives all friends one
7.ALL other schools have a dispell spell even life and that works on HEALS too
8.Ice isn't overpowered because it takes very little damage and storm has a bad accuracy but balance is very strong and very accurate
9.It is only fair that ice has a spell that does more for having more pips even if it is a shield which is mainly what ice is for

Just saying

Scarlet RedThorn grandmaster fire
Chris DeathBringer lvl 34 look at the name and guess though you'll most likely be wrong

there's a lot more unfair things in your post

1: no, balance is order, death is chaos. life doesn't enter into it, you're still dead.
2: notice that balance spells aren't boosted by anything, and that balance monsters rarely spirit shield (the only monster type that doesn't shield what it boosts. be glad)
3: a: judgement can only one hit if it's boosted to the max and hits no blocks, and b: triton, stormlord, tempest, the elemental zillas, frostgiant, colossus, helephant, firedragon, phoenix, centaur, minotaur, orthrus, wraith, skeletalpirate, scarecrow, vampire - heck, a 45 damage wand flare can do a one hit if boosted enough.
4: weakness works too, and a lot of ward- and charm-destroting spells exist
5: this is the only wizard weak to itself, and you complain? take advantage of it, man.
6: and the reason you don't like the fact that the blades work on everything, including wand flares, IS??
7: dispells are no problem for actual wizards anyway, all wizards have a menagerie of in-school low-rank not-really-necessary-to-win spells.
8: balance is actually the third worst in the game in terms of damage, and the accuracy isn't really that great.
and 9: the original poster SAID they weren't complaining about icearmor

Jan 03, 2009
LetterBee wrote:
WaterGirl101 wrote:
They're plenty of forums dicussing Balance. Whether one of them is deffending Judgement and it's shields, or another is ranting about how overpowered Balance is. As Balance Wizards, I think it is fair for us to have a voice in this continuous 'problem'. I understand that some think it is overpowered because they have never played a Balance Wiz, and do not understand it's role in combat, as well as its history.
I think it's fair that if the one's who hate Balance lecture us, we must occasionally lecture them.

Balance is the center of all the schools. That being said, it has a little bit of everything as well as some things of it's own. Many say Balance is a weak school that draws it's power from other schools as if it were a parisite.
Some, however, truly understand Balance and know it is a school that puzzles together bits and pieces from the other schools to achieve something greater. Keep in mind that that IS in the game and I did not make it up myself.
So what is Balance? Balance is EVERYTHING. It is order, it's opposite would be chaos (which, in fact, is Death. Explaining how Death has a boost against Balance.).
Balance is not 'sand', it is Fire, Ice and Storm. I know many do not know that, as I recall someone once saying,"Hydra isn't even Balance!" Which of course it is.
As I already have said, Balance puzzles together all the schools to create something different and greater of power. So what makes Balance unique? It's shields, Judgement, no dispells against it and no shields against it.
You see? Without those things Balance is NOTHING. It having these things does not make it 'overpowered' it makes it unique.
Why, I've never heard someone calling Ice overpowered for its Frost Armor.
Nor Storm for it's powerful attacks.
I'm not saying that you should complain against these schools, I'm saying People choose to bully Balance because they do not understand it.

This post was for those who do not to understand what Balance is.

Stop fighting.

Without Balance the Spiral would fall into Chaos.

That means you're dead.

See ya in the Spiral!

well there are a lot of unfair things about balance and what you said
1. If the world fell into chaos wouldn't life wizards be able to heal it?
2.All spiritual attacks(life, myth, and death) have a boost against balance
3.Judgement can kill in one hit
4.The only shields against it is absorb, frost armor, and tower shield
5.It can shield against almost all schools except itself
6.Balance has 2 kinds of blades(not including spiritual and elemental) they are one that can be used on one person and gives 25% and the other that gives all friends one
7.ALL other schools have a dispell spell even life and that works on HEALS too
8.Ice isn't overpowered because it takes very little damage and storm has a bad accuracy but balance is very strong and very accurate
9.It is only fair that ice has a spell that does more for having more pips even if it is a shield which is mainly what ice is for

Just saying

Scarlet RedThorn grandmaster fire
Chris DeathBringer lvl 34 look at the name and guess though you'll most likely be wrong

Really, you say balance is very strong and very accurate, yes it's accurate but it's not all that strong. Having a grandmaster balance I know what I'm saying when I say balance is an assistance, why do you think balance blade, bladestorm, and hex boost all schools. You say judgement can kill in one hit, well a two pip judgement with no boosts is 200 damage, a lightning bats, which is two pips, does 245-285 damage. Judgement without boosts is not all that strong, I always wait for full pips before I cast a judgement on a boss. Also we have none of our own blades, if we get a weakness we can't use a wand spell to get rid of it without using all our other blades, and btw, balance blades are equal to some traps (myth & fire) and WEAKER that others, that's because it boosts all schools. Another thing, it's shield are only minus fifty percent, unlike most that are eighty or seventy. The reason I would say that my balance is my strongest character is that he can boost his spells to make them powerful. Mainly what I can't believe is that malistare's storm robe give triton which does 900-1000 damage, and people are saying BALANCE is overpowered!? Now I'm not saying storm is overpoered but it's way stronger that balance how can it not be overpowered yet balance is, and the only reason people say it's too strong is because of judgement, that's the ONLY spell people complain about so quit it.

P.S. If the spiral fell apart life WOULD NOT be able to fix it because that would put one school over the others which ruins the BALANCE of it all that's the whole point, and balance is not above them either it holds them together as an equal.

Jun 06, 2009
bravevline wrote:
The spiral would not fall into chaos, balance, according to the history, is the newest school though they all came out along with the game, the schools, according to history fire ice and storm were the first 3 in existance, that means the spiral once lived without balance so it can again

and we all know how the first world ended up without balance.

boom. dead tritons.
boom. dead dragons.
boom. dead giants.
boom. fragmented world.

so all the worlds would basically fall apart without balance.

Aug 07, 2010
Seriously arguing over a school? I mean yeah I can see how it is a powerful school but it isn't unfair. If you don't like to duel them then don't, don't complain to us because you can't win. I see nothing wrong with balance, I didn't want balance and didn't know I could pick which one I wanted so I took the quiz. I actually like it now and am glad that I have it. I don't even use my balance spells that often because it seems that all of the creatures and bosses are death (which is why I run a balanced myth deck.) Everything needs balance. Oh and yeah I like how you all are saying this is how this happened and blah well heres what really happened people sat down and wrote a story. If you think the knowledge will help you back up your point I think you are wrong considering it is part of the story line and so is the balance school! Without the balance school there would be no order of the fang which means no point in going to Krokotopia. Before you wish there wasn't something in a game or real life realize what a big difference it would make if it wasn't there.

Mar 25, 2009
i dont get why everyone fights about it! balance is just a school like storm and life! but judgement and spectral blast are really good though...

Jun 11, 2010
All Schools have strengths and weaknesses. Storm has high damage but will easily fizzle, Life does light-medium damage but will almost never fizzle. Balance has medium damage and medium fizzle rates. So I think it doesn't deserve to be picked on all the time left and right. I beg that wizards will understand this and that they will also understand that Balance can be as powerful as any other school and it can be defeated in combat like any other school.

Jasmine StormBlood
Lv. 16 JourneyMan Sorcerer
Balance is not the best nor the worst. Because all schools are equally powerful.

Jun 16, 2010

Very true i am a Magus (going to master) Sorcerer and i truly believe balance has amazing powers. With my Jade Oni's Amulet of duplicity i realize that no type can be all three elements at once so it is balance.
I have used many balance spells and they are amazingly powerful teamed with death you can devistate with judgement!
WaterGirl101 wrote:
They're plenty of forums dicussing Balance. Whether one of them is deffending Judgement and it's shields, or another is ranting about how overpowered Balance is. As Balance Wizards, I think it is fair for us to have a voice in this continuous 'problem'. I understand that some think it is overpowered because they have never played a Balance Wiz, and do not understand it's role in combat, as well as its history.
I think it's fair that if the one's who hate Balance lecture us, we must occasionally lecture them.

Balance is the center of all the schools. That being said, it has a little bit of everything as well as some things of it's own. Many say Balance is a weak school that draws it's power from other schools as if it were a parisite.
Some, however, truly understand Balance and know it is a school that puzzles together bits and pieces from the other schools to achieve something greater. Keep in mind that that IS in the game and I did not make it up myself.
So what is Balance? Balance is EVERYTHING. It is order, it's opposite would be chaos (which, in fact, is Death. Explaining how Death has a boost against Balance.).
Balance is not 'sand', it is Fire, Ice and Storm. I know many do not know that, as I recall someone once saying,"Hydra isn't even Balance!" Which of course it is.
As I already have said, Balance puzzles together all the schools to create something different and greater of power. So what makes Balance unique? It's shields, Judgement, no dispells against it and no shields against it.
You see? Without those things Balance is NOTHING. It having these things does not make it 'overpowered' it makes it unique.
Why, I've never heard someone calling Ice overpowered for its Frost Armor.
Nor Storm for it's powerful attacks.
I'm not saying that you should complain against these schools, I'm saying People choose to bully Balance because they do not understand it.

This post was for those who do not to understand what Balance is.

Stop fighting.

Without Balance the Spiral would fall into Chaos.

That means you're dead.

See ya in the Spiral!

Jul 12, 2009
First of all, its not that important. If any of you would read the Player's Guide it says that balance is for supporting other players because it has lots of shields. :)

Abigail Spiritrider