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In house battling?

Jun 27, 2009
Wouldn't it be fun to have in house battles?Like you could pick PVP,BVP(Boss vs player)or MVP(Monster vs player)
You could buy it at any furniture store for 2500 coins and set it to the setting you want it at.You could pick from a list of bosses or monsters to fight against (of course don't win anything but XP)but you have to had unlocked them first,like you fight the jade oni in the jade palace and now you can summon him in your house!Or you can summon like a 4 gobblers to battle.
Or you can switch it to pvp and fight your friends!

Mar 14, 2010
It's a cool idea. So you can fight you're fav bosses without going to their hideout.

Nov 10, 2008
i always thought this would be a cool idea, but i think it would be cool even if it was a "old pvp style" arena, where people could just run in and get into a match.

if we could have monsters and stuff there, i think it would be cool to use the statues you've won! like if i won a kraken statue, i can set him on the arena, and when people walk on it the kraken comes to life and joins the fights. This would make people go back to farming statues again also! Keep kids busy lol as if there isnt enough to do withthe pets now! AHHH! lol

but fun idea, i thought of this too a while back, glad other people think it would be fun to have arenas as well! Lets do it KI! lol