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Dropped reward items NOT going into inventory

Jun 27, 2010
Has anyone else had problems with not getting the items that were announced on the side of the screen as a drop? Very odd and never had it happen before today, but has been happening left and right through out the whole dungeon of the hall of champions i believe it was, to get the third golden scarab. If a GM sees this can you please tell me why this happened and can my son be rewarded finally for beating those bosses? There was a deck that said dropped for him but went in my inventory and as we can not trade it is completely not fair that he is getting nothing while i help him, I am only three levels above him! Please help!


disappointed mommy

Aug 23, 2009
Have you checked his bank? When his backpack is full-maximum number of items is 80-it automatically sends items to his bank, which can be accessed from his house/dorm room.

Mar 12, 2010
mybuttafliez wrote:
Has anyone else had problems with not getting the items that were announced on the side of the screen as a drop? Very odd and never had it happen before today, but has been happening left and right through out the whole dungeon of the hall of champions i believe it was, to get the third golden scarab. If a GM sees this can you please tell me why this happened and can my son be rewarded finally for beating those bosses? There was a deck that said dropped for him but went in my inventory and as we can not trade it is completely not fair that he is getting nothing while i help him, I am only three levels above him! Please help!


disappointed mommy

If items are dropped and you can't see them in your inventory, it sounds like your backpack is probably full. When this happens, the items are automatically put in your Bank. Go to your dorm room or house, and open your Bank. The items should be there. If they are, you might want to empty your backpack. You can go to the Wizard City Bazaar in Olde Town, and sell the items you don't want or can't use.

If the items aren't in your Bank, you might want to send an e-mail to Help and Support at support@wizard101.com. Explain the problem to them, and give your username and character name too.

Hope this helps.

Mar 14, 2010
actually i got a drop item and it said professor greyrose when i scrolled over it. after that it disappeared :-( and i checked both my bank and backpack and its not there. anyone know what i can try?

Jun 27, 2010
THANK YOU! that was exactly the problem! HAHA silly me I had no idea what the space limit was, thanks so much everyone!

Mar 12, 2010
CahillEkatMaster125 wrote:
actually i got a drop item and it said professor greyrose when i scrolled over it. after that it disappeared :-( and i checked both my bank and backpack and its not there. anyone know what i can try?

I don't know of any items that drop Prof. Greyrose??

If you saw a tutorial tip from her on the right side of your screen, she might be telling you that she has a special quest for you. Go see her in the ice school.

Jun 13, 2010
CahillEkatMaster12... wrote:
actually i got a drop item and it said professor greyrose when i scrolled over it. after that it disappeared :-( and i checked both my bank and backpack and its not there. anyone know what i can try?

maybe the item was a picture and instead of your bank it went to your attic

Mar 07, 2009
Krailzec wrote:
Have you checked his bank? When his backpack is full-maximum number of items is 80-it automatically sends items to his bank, which can be accessed from his house/dorm room.
that is really true but i always sell items

From level 46 life chase lifebringer

Aug 11, 2009
Some additional information:

If both your backpack and bank are full, you will get a warning from Mr. Lincoln stating that you need to clean out both and that you have lost the items that you have just earned.

Even if the backpack and bank are not full, the warning from Mr. Lincoln is also triggered by collecting two of the same “Limit 1” items.

Have fun!!! :-) :-) :-)