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it would suck without balance???!!!!

May 09, 2009
think about it balance is able to give you 2 extra blades when your attacking and an extra trap. comes to a total of 75% balance blade 25% blade storm 20% (to all) and hex 30%

that's like another feint!

almost everyone is spamming the message boards with how balance is evil and overpowered. well let me tell you something

balance is weak!

weak weak weak weak weak weak weak weak weak weak.

we all got our level 42 spells storm and balance get theirs first. i'm not talking about stormzilla and hydra. those are just the level you get them i'm talking about the power. judment need full power pips to hit as much as helephant, centaur, colossus, triton, wraith, what ever myth is

balance gets it before the other schools do because its it 1 good spell. its level 48 spell sucks!

anyways back to my point with balance you can make your hits in the 7,000's rather than in the 5,000's so instead of complaining about balance join up with them! help them and they will help you.

i have a level 50 balance guy and when the people i battle with are nice and friendly i decide instead of making my long way up to a attack i give them blades and traps and they kill much quicker and its far easier.