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People purposely fleeing 4v4 pvp matches

Aug 21, 2009
Just played a 4v4 ranked pvp match, where on the first turn our life wizard fled the table making it a fairly easy victory for the other side. After the match I look at the tables, and guess what the same life wizard was sitting at a friends only table with the opposition that just beat us. In other words, the life wizard was used to toss the 4v4 match so that the other friends players could rack up an unfair victory.

Aug 14, 2009
i have had some people tip me off of the battle so their friend could win, people were at the standings annoying me and the guy killed me. I was so angry

Jun 06, 2009
something similar once happened to me. a wizard - i had absolutely no chance to find out their school - fled before the countdown got to 15, in the FIRST ROUND. either they royally chickened out, or it was a scheme like what you deatailed. we lost.

Dec 26, 2009
Mar 29, 2009
I have a question about your scenario. How would the team that was the life wizard's friend know that he (life wizard) would be able to get on the opposite team. You can only do that in practice. But you said rank up? Meaning it was a rank match??? :? i'm confused

Catherine Windrider Lvl 49 Balance

Nov 29, 2009
seasnake wrote:
Just played a 4v4 ranked pvp match, where on the first turn our life wizard fled the table making it a fairly easy victory for the other side. After the match I look at the tables, and guess what the same life wizard was sitting at a friends only table with the opposition that just beat us. In other words, the life wizard was used to toss the 4v4 match so that the other friends players could rack up an unfair victory.

When I was playing practice match our best wizard level 50 just fleed and my team was leaved in the dust

Jan 11, 2010
Oh this is a real pet peev of mine too !!!
No matter if it is a practice or ranked match, it just makes me so mad when a team mate flees !! Leaving his or her team mates holding the bag, and knowing they are almost certain to loose barring any miricle.
LISTEN UP Players...If you are going to sign up for a pvp match, make sure you have the TIME to play it through to the end.
If you team is getting hammered bad, and it looks like they may loose, don't be a COWARD and flee.
If you die in battle, don't flee. Stand with your team mates to the end. One of them most likely can heal you, and even if they can't, stay and stand with them for support.
In ranked matches, don't sign up on the other team who are fighting your friends and flee just so your friends team can have the advantage. That is just plain wrong and cheating.
If you do that sort of thing, it will come back to you 8)
Any wizard know that if wrong someone, it will come back on you 3 fold.
Keep that in mind :)

Aug 21, 2009
pokadot579 wrote:
I have a question about your scenario. How would the team that was the life wizard's friend know that he (life wizard) would be able to get on the opposite team. You can only do that in practice. But you said rank up? Meaning it was a rank match??? :? i'm confused

Catherine Windrider Lvl 49 Balance

you can easily join who you want to play with if your side is set as "friends only"

May 30, 2009
seasnake wrote:
Just played a 4v4 ranked pvp match, where on the first turn our life wizard fled the table making it a fairly easy victory for the other side. After the match I look at the tables, and guess what the same life wizard was sitting at a friends only table with the opposition that just beat us. In other words, the life wizard was used to toss the 4v4 match so that the other friends players could rack up an unfair victory.

Ok there are a few things either I don't understand or you don't. One, if this life wizard quick joined your match then it's a total random thing he got on your team. If he was a friend of yours or someone else on the team then maybe you should pick your pvp friends a bit better. Two, there is no way for the opposing team to know that they would get YOUR team with THEIR friend on it to set it up for him to flee for their victory. Grouping teams against each other have several factors going on and I just can't see how someone could set it up, it's impossible. Now, another scenario could be that he quick joined your match, saw who he was up against and fled then joined the other team after the match. Not everyone in pvp is out to cheat other players out of a win.