1. I wish Dueling Diego can be longer. Is too easy to finish.
2. I wish in sorcery stone, we can move stone vertically too. It will be more easy.
3. I wish all the minigames is the same, all fair. Now, when i am done in a game, i get a little reward by using a lot of time. Tough i can finish a game wit hmore reward with a little fee of time.
My Idea is for a new Minigame. Name; SKELETAL CRAZE! You have the Abracadoodle man. So, he dueling skeletal pirates. Like in the comic. Execpt he has a Health bar, and he duels with a wand.
So here is the game, first get 3 rounds of skeletal craze. Then, he battles Rattlebones. See,non of the skeletons have magic. Plus your wand only does zap.