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marleybone newgate prison.

Sep 20, 2008
ive noticed something strange and funny XD. the burglars and hooligan have been walking up and down a certain building in newgate prison. XD
the building is the one officer pruski is facing, that slightly purplish one.
i see the hooligans walk up and down the sides of it like ramps! speaking about ramps... are the burglars and hooligans supposed to walk through the middle of certain ramps and not the wooden side of it?

Apr 03, 2009
Some do actually, some walk through the middle some walk right in front of it, and most just appear when you run down the middle when you think your safe. I personally never seen them climb buildings and what not maybe its because you, ive always been so busy running and trying not to get caught than looking around and checking out the surrondings x].~suri