1. Storm 593 2. Fire 442 (not including heck hound but its still wouldn't reach storm) 3. Balance 400 ( including Judgement) 4. Myth 365 5. Ice 350 6 Death 344 7. Life 318
We averaged the max attack points for each school. This is the actual average!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Now toss in the shields against these schools and the damage reductions and the healing points, health, accuracy, pip chance, and the like. Of course storm has the most average damage as it was supposed to and openly states that it is supposed to but you can't go by damage alone as all the other stuff is supposed to balance things out.
1. Storm 593 2. Fire 442 (not including heck hound but its still wouldn't reach storm) 3. Balance 400 ( including Judgement) 4. Myth 365 5. Ice 350 6 Death 344 7. Life 318
We averaged the max attack points for each school. This is the actual average!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Now toss in the shields against. Balance would have a tower against, dropping its damage to 200. Storm would have a tower against, as well as two seperate storm shields dropping its damage to next to nothing. Fire would have a tower against, and two seperate fire shields as well but all of these shields would break off in the first fire attack leaving no shields in place for delayed fire damage.
In other words, if you are going to figure up average max damage you had best also figure up average max shields to represent what is actually going on.
Look this is a dangerous thread because you also have to consider strategy then scope it into the questing world and the pvp world. However this is my list
Now, we all know what the strongest school is, Storm. However, the others are quiet blank, we aren't aware of their strength. Some say Life is the weakest, some say other schools are. However, after comparing the damage of each spell and their rank, this is what i found. Here is a list of the schools in the order of their strength, along with their average strength.
1. Storm (478) 2. Fire (368) 3. Myth (365) 4. Ice (359) 5. Death (333) 6. Life (323) 7. Balance (292)
Surprisingly, Balance is the weakest school. Of course, i didn't count spectral blast, but it would be difficult. Tell me what you think of this outcome
Balance is like third!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get the facts RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. Storm 593 2. Fire 442 (not including heck hound but its still wouldn't reach storm) 3. Balance 400 ( including Judgement) 4. Myth 365 5. Ice 350 6 Death 344 7. Life 318
We averaged the max attack points for each school. This is the actual average!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
1. Storm 593 2. Fire 442 (not including heck hound but its still wouldn't reach storm) 3. Balance 400 ( including Judgement) 4. Myth 365 5. Ice 350 6 Death 344 7. Life 318
We averaged the max attack points for each school. This is the actual average!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Now toss in the shields against. Balance would have a tower against, dropping its damage to 200. Storm would have a tower against, as well as two seperate storm shields dropping its damage to next to nothing. Fire would have a tower against, and two seperate fire shields as well but all of these shields would break off in the first fire attack leaving no shields in place for delayed fire damage.
In other words, if you are going to figure up average max damage you had best also figure up average max shields to represent what is actually going on.
Look this is a dangerous thread because you also have to consider strategy then scope it into the questing world and the pvp world. However this is my list