1st - Go into Digmoore station, go strait and keep looking to the right 2nd - You will see some rails that lead to stairs 3rd - Go down the stairs and you'll be there
Pets and costs
- Wood Golem -2525 gold - Blue Cat Thug -2525 gold - Brass golem (clock work golem) - 2525 gold
And you found this how?! I've been looking for a pet shop there and there hasn't been one! THen again, I haven't seen those rails either. THanks though! :D
And you found this how?! I've been looking for a pet shop there and there hasn't been one! THen again, I haven't seen those rails either. THanks though! :D
1st - Go into Digmoore station, go strait and keep looking to the right 2nd - You will see some rails that lead to stairs 3rd - Go down the stairs and you'll be there
Pets and costs
- Wood Golem -2525 gold - Blue Cat Thug -2525 gold - Brass golem (clock work golem) - 2525 gold