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frostzilla - ice or storm?

Dec 10, 2009
my ice on her return trip to labyrinth for the chest won the FROSTZILLA pet, and i think AWESOME cause keira is ice wizard ! i figure Stormzilla, Storms school pet, gives a storm spell, the Firezilla - i believe a gift card pet? gives fire spell. but I was WRONG about Frostzilla - the spell is a storm spell NOT ice
can I ask why the decision to name a storm spell with an obvious ice name?
I'm not sure what other pets are named for one school but spell is from a different one but Frostzilla is definitely misleading LOL

just a comment

Dec 18, 2009
kiranda wrote:
my ice on her return trip to labyrinth for the chest won the FROSTZILLA pet, and i think AWESOME cause keira is ice wizard ! i figure Stormzilla, Storms school pet, gives a storm spell, the Firezilla - i believe a gift card pet? gives fire spell. but I was WRONG about Frostzilla - the spell is a storm spell NOT ice
can I ask why the decision to name a storm spell with an obvious ice name?
I'm not sure what other pets are named for one school but spell is from a different one but Frostzilla is definitely misleading LOL

just a comment
true i read on the update notes kingsisle is fixing that and at my level stormzilla is good to have low amount of pips + more damage than any other level 42 spell

Feb 14, 2009
Dec 10, 2009
sorry alec to your reply, we hatched stormzilla with ice colossus , now i have 2 frostzillas, who give cards- and both are the storm spell NOT ice
remember i wrote i initially won the pet with immediate use of card from the labyrinth