:( When ever i play wizard101 i get this bluish green color that covers my exp bar health or mana. It is very annoying as i am a member. If anyone could help me out i would appreciate it and just tell me if you have this problem too. Thank you very much.
Hey i get the same graphic problem,alos with this problem i cant see the health of any one or any thing except myself. also my cards pics are all funny looking. i dont know how to take a pic to send it in either for them to see. can you please tell me if they told you how to fix it and how i take a pic to send them? thanks!!
Easyist way to take a snapshot in windows is to press the print screen key - this will send your screen to your clipboard. Then bring up the windows 'paint' program (in accessories) and paste it in. You can then save the screenshot while in paint.
i had a problem when i was facing sellsword cyclops in kroktopia... i got disconected in mid battle... i exited and went back in and i was still in battle... i had to wait a while for me too move and everything was still. when they attacked it was just sound and i got no damage. same with me but at the end of battle i got all the damage i sustained in the battle. weird :?.
i've been having graphic problems since i started playing. the wisps along the worlds are just a huge blur of white light. i can never tell which is which because i cannot see the red or blue. also during a duel when i cast a spell, normally the sign of the spell (life,storm, fire etc) doesn't sparkle like i see in many wizard 101 duel videos. it also gets blurred out by light. if you have a way to fix this please tell me.
I original had a problem with color, saturation and brightness, right around the time I got a new flat screen digital TV as my monitor (For XMAS), and by default it had an two option called color enhancement, and contrast stretch, I turned this off and manually adjusted the monitors brightness, with the monitors manual adjustment setting, and it works fine now for me. It think it was having a problem with the computer overlay function, and the monitors adaptive behavior. I did that because I noticed the color washing problems, not only in this game but with some video/movies I would watch on the computer as well as other games. Just my input because I noticed the color washing before and blur (I am assuming though you have a LCD flat screen though).
I have a laptop that i got for my b-day last year and wizard 101 is the only game this has happened to. i tried changing the options on the game screen and it never helped. i'm like desperate right now because i would like to have a normal wizard 101 experience without all of the graphic glitches. if you can help any further i'd really appreciate it. thanks.
Hey i get the same graphic problem,alos with this problem i cant see the health of any one or any thing except myself. also my cards pics are all funny looking. i dont know how to take a pic to send it in either for them to see. can you please tell me if they told you how to fix it and how i take a pic to send them? thanks!!
I hadn't posted anything about this because I thought this was just a minor issue, and everyone had it. My sister has it too.
Yes, this weird blue thing comes up over your exp bar, health, and mana. Its happened over enemy's health too, and the spell card's pictures mess up. Like, the evil sprite's arm is next to her hair, or something like that. Also, sometimes my compass messes up with the same blueish thing. Without the directions, its fine. But when I click on it to make the directions turn up, it messes up.
Lately, it hasn't been happening to me much. I don't know what happened.
I have the same thing happen on my brother's Laptop whenever I switch between the game and something else. I come back with everything red and green and bars everywhere.