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Crafting comes to Grizzleheim

Torald Wayfinder finally has a new set of recipes, bringing new Grizzleheim items for you to craft. But the really big news is that he was able to find a recipe for a Grizzleheim House!

The crafted Grizzleheim house will be a definite challenge even for our Master Artisan Crafters.

If you want the prize, you have to build the ladder rung by rung. There are no shortcuts.
Jun 30, 2009
Can we begin this now,or is it still a work in progress?

Timothy Pearlflower, Ice Grandmaster Lvl 50

A+ Student
Jan 05, 2009
Aug 15, 2009
The only part of this expansion that interests me is crafting. I went to the test realm to check it out the other stuff is ok except for the new quest which i am not going to ruin the surprise until celestia is ready, if ever.

OK, i was going to test some crafting and the new crafts that i had reagents for or very close to having required a grizzle questing table. Cool, but nope, checked everywhere i could think of and there is no grizzle crafting table :(

Not at the furniture shop, nor is there any bear offering craft quests to earn a grizzle table. So, until there is a grizzle crafting table my ability to participate in the test realm is post poned :(

A+ Student
Jan 05, 2009
f1ng3br1ts0n wrote:
The only part of this expansion that interests me is crafting. I went to the test realm to check it out the other stuff is ok except for the new quest which i am not going to ruin the surprise until celestia is ready, if ever.

OK, i was going to test some crafting and the new crafts that i had reagents for or very close to having required a grizzle questing table. Cool, but nope, checked everywhere i could think of and there is no grizzle crafting table :(

Not at the furniture shop, nor is there any bear offering craft quests to earn a grizzle table. So, until there is a grizzle crafting table my ability to participate in the test realm is post poned :(

The crafting table for GH is to the right of the waterfall behind the King's hold. There are several pillars leading to the door that is made of stone and in the rock wall.

Dec 18, 2008
f1ng3br1ts0n wrote:
The only part of this expansion that interests me is crafting. I went to the test realm to check it out the other stuff is ok except for the new quest which i am not going to ruin the surprise until celestia is ready, if ever.

OK, i was going to test some crafting and the new crafts that i had reagents for or very close to having required a grizzle questing table. Cool, but nope, checked everywhere i could think of and there is no grizzle crafting table :-(

Not at the furniture shop, nor is there any bear offering craft quests to earn a grizzle table. So, until there is a grizzle crafting table my ability to participate in the test realm is post poned :-(

The Grizzleheim Crafting Station is like the Dragonspyre Crafting Station, you have to go to it.

It's located in the back of the Grizzleheim Commons, through the door near the water fall.

Hope this helps.

Zachary FireDust
Master Artisan

Aug 15, 2009
TYVM i dont know how they expected us to know but glad you guys figured it out :D

Jun 30, 2009
Community Leader
This is not like a quest, where you have to craft each piece as you go.
I am have already made all the pieces for my GH house in live and ready to hit the GH crafting hammer, as soon as it hits live.

If I am wrong please correct :)

Apr 09, 2009
ProspectorZeke wrote:

Torald Wayfinder finally has a new set of recipes, bringing new Grizzleheim items for you to craft. But the really big news is that he was able to find a recipe for a Grizzleheim House!

The crafted Grizzleheim house will be a definite challenge even for our Master Artisan Crafters.

I just found the Grizzleheim Crafting Station. It is behind the commons in an Ice Cave; near those rocks that look like bears. Just walk through the door and you will see the large hammer/anvil craft station inside.

May 30, 2010
i have four wildclaws as pets on here and i wonder how do i get a more rare pet than just wildclaws

May 09, 2010
I really want to make the new grizzleheim house but was wondering if i have to make the treasure cards or can i buy them? Also, if I have fountains already can i use those or do i have to craft them as well?


May 09, 2010
How do I make locust blizzard treasure card for my Grizzleheim house if i cannot get the recipe from balance tree because it is not my school. Does anyone else sell the recipe? Can I just buy the card?


Dec 10, 2008
Mar 13, 2010
I was able to buy the locust swarm spell in Krokotopia.

But where can I get the blizzard spell card?

Mar 13, 2010
I think I need an answer from KI on this one.

Is the Grizzleheim house only able to be made by Ice Wizards? There was no indication of that when I spent so much for the recipe.

I have been working on parts for this heavily for two days now. I never see a blizzard spell for sale in the market and can't find a place to buy it.

I can't craft this card because I am not an ice wizard.

Am I out of luck (and a ton of gold)?

Jan 17, 2010
Oxnhorse wrote:
Can we begin this now,or is it still a work in progress?

Timothy Pearlflower, Ice Grandmaster Lvl 50

Joshua Goldenflame:

Yes, I think you may be able to do crafting in Grizzleheim but I am ot very shure i just learned about it

Written On: Christmas 2010

Jan 17, 2010
cealwutka wrote:
I was able to buy the locust swarm spell in Krokotopia.

But where can I get the blizzard spell card?

Joshua Goldenflame:

You must train at the school of ICE!! in Ravenwood!!

Written On: Christmas 2010

Sep 11, 2010
If I do not find the Grizzleheim Crafting Station I am going to be mad at KI. I spent thousands of gold pieces on reagents, the recipes, and transmute reagent recipes. I also spent a lot of time trying to gather some reagents and battling to get gold and items to sell to afford it all. I did all this just to work my way up to Master Artisan dust to craft 1 item: the toy train set which I think is cool and if do not find the GR Crafting Station then I cannot craft it and then all my hard work will have been a wast of time. :x

Nov 18, 2010
Andre112010 wrote:
If I do not find the Grizzleheim Crafting Station I am going to be mad at KI. I spent thousands of gold pieces on reagents, the recipes, and transmute reagent recipes. I also spent a lot of time trying to gather some reagents and battling to get gold and items to sell to afford it all. I did all this just to work my way up to Master Artisan dust to craft 1 item: the toy train set which I think is cool and if do not find the GR Crafting Station then I cannot craft it and then all my hard work will have been a wast of time. :x

I have been running around Grizzleheim for ages, it seems, and the quest director thingy (yellow arrow at bottom of screen) is directing me to Marleybone. Now, when I get there, I can't get to the place I need to complete THAT quest because I don't have enough XP. So, off I go, to defeat those lost soul guys on the roof of Scotland Yard, but my XP does not go up. Should I go back to Krokotopia? Where I am told by two characters to go to Marleybone??? I am just really confused. Obviously!

Jan 23, 2009
Bostonccl wrote:
Andre112010 wrote:
If I do not find the Grizzleheim Crafting Station I am going to be mad at KI. I spent thousands of gold pieces on reagents, the recipes, and transmute reagent recipes. I also spent a lot of time trying to gather some reagents and battling to get gold and items to sell to afford it all. I did all this just to work my way up to Master Artisan dust to craft 1 item: the toy train set which I think is cool and if do not find the GR Crafting Station then I cannot craft it and then all my hard work will have been a wast of time. :x

I have been running around Grizzleheim for ages, it seems, and the quest director thingy (yellow arrow at bottom of screen) is directing me to Marleybone. Now, when I get there, I can't get to the place I need to complete THAT quest because I don't have enough XP. So, off I go, to defeat those lost soul guys on the roof of Scotland Yard, but my XP does not go up. Should I go back to Krokotopia? Where I am told by two characters to go to Marleybone??? I am just really confused. Obviously!

Are you guys new to crafting?

Because GH has always had that [crafting] room and i can suprise none of you looked to see what it was before this. As far as being directed to Marleybone it sounds like you still need to level in rank. As crafting is started in WC and finished [grandmaster] in cl. I think all the gear in WT are for the latter level.