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Getting to Marleybone

Jul 25, 2009
I'm currently in Grizzlehime. I'm almost done with Krokotopia. But when i went to the Ice instructor she had a quest to get an ice minion or something. She told me to go to Colosus Boulovard to talk to Mindy Pixicrown. So i did and she told me to go to the Mayor of marleybone (i was level 28 at that time). So i did teleporting to my friend over there, but when do iget to go there without having to tleport to a friend.I really want that new card so do i have to finish Grizzlehiem or is it at a certain level like Grizzle hiem. Please answer my questions.

~Lindsey Icewalker, Adept Thaumaturge (Level 29)~

Mar 12, 2010
You don't have to finish Grizzleheim to get to Marleybone, but you do have to finish Krokotopia.

Grizzleheim is a parallel world that you do at different levels. (See details on the GH threads.)

Apr 02, 2010
The simpleton answer is finish Krokotopia.

When you finish the Temple of Storms, I think you go to Major Talbot and he gives you a quest or something to get to Marleybone.

I am new myself, but I think Grizzleheim was an "add-on", it doesn't really give you anything with regards to spells, it is just another place to play, rack up XP or items or gold or whatever.

What Grizzleheim is good for is there are some dungeons that take a long time on Marleybone, if you don't have that time, you can go to G-land to get your fill of W101 for the day.

Hope this helps.

Jul 02, 2009
ic0517 wrote:
The simpleton answer is finish Krokotopia.

When you finish the Temple of Storms, I think you go to Major Talbot and he gives you a quest or something to get to Marleybone.

I am new myself, but I think Grizzleheim was an "add-on", it doesn't really give you anything with regards to spells, it is just another place to play, rack up XP or items or gold or whatever.

What Grizzleheim is good for is there are some dungeons that take a long time on Marleybone, if you don't have that time, you can go to G-land to get your fill of W101 for the day.
Hope this helps.

That's exactly what I'm doing!