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more privlagies to subscribers?

May 09, 2009
subscribers already get access to all areas and if 18 and over to get open chat
but that's just about it. o and being able to post on the message boards.

i have played on free realms for a bit and i thought it was cool at first but then i decided nah its just the same thing but in different ways, so i switched back to wizard101. but on free realms subscribers (i and was one of them) got double gold for the first hour of playing. each month they also got some free housing items. got to spin a wheel for prizes, do special quests, go into party areas, and some fun items.

so I'll still stick with wizard101 because its way funner but they don't seem to be giving subscribers anything extra than the three things at the top.

so i was thinking maybe during the first half hour we get double X P or gold, and maybe once a month 400 crowns?