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I have no idea what some of the spells mean

Jul 05, 2008
Yes we have a place to explain how spells work. But some I do not get. Dispel out going Ice spell what is that. Steal a postive not until someone used it did I get it. I thought it was to take a pip not a shield.

Is there some place that has the ones that are not as easy to figure out.

As I suggest there sould be a book at the library that we can go look at and find out. Maybe different books for different schools.


Aug 22, 2008
Worry not littlebelle, the spells will be explained soon when I finish putting together the guide on a website that I am creating. All spells will be explained as well.

May 29, 2008
lifesbrink wrote:
Worry not littlebelle, the spells will be explained soon when I finish putting together the guide on a website that I am creating. All spells will be explained as well.
It's very nice that you're putting together a guide. I think a lot of people would like that. However, I think littlebell is looking to not have to go to third party sources just to answer a question.

The suggestion is for a "tutorial book" in the library with explanations of all "known" spells and what they do. I think it's a great idea. There are a lot of young ones playing this game. It's only fair to have an internal source to explain aspects of the game.

Dispel spells will put up a charm (like a sword) that will dispel (nullify, cancel, keep-from-happening) the next spell of the suggested element.

Aug 25, 2008
littlebelle wrote:
Dispel out going Ice spell what is that.

The next spell of the [ICE] school cast by the target of yoru spell, will automatically Fizzle. 8)

This may help.

We have put together a guide for all players with information about the types of spells that are available.

Visit this link!

Knowledge is power.
Sep 20, 2008
HaroldArgleston wrote:
This may help.

We have put together a guide for all players with information about the types of spells that are available.

Visit this link!

All due respect, sir, but I think what is REALLY needed is a kind of Spell Guide listing the spells and what they do, not just a brief explaination what the symbols mean. "Absorb", for example, is worded so vaguely, I thought it did one thing when it actually does something entirely different.


The Help Pages in the spellbook do not currently have this information, but hopefully we can put this information there at some point in the future.