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In to the Past of the Spiral

Dec 30, 2008
I think a good idea would be instead of making new worlds why not use the one we already have.

Imagine after all the worlds including Celestia are past why not go back in time.

Lets see the Magic of Wizard City when the time of Wars between the Tritons,Dragon and Giants began.

Lets see the Deserts of Krokotopia ruled by the Kroks and the creation of balance.

Lets see the evolution of Marlybone and its evolution through the power of science and art.

Lets see the ancient teaching of Mooda when Oni's didnt cause Havoc.

Lets see the world of DragonSpyre when The Titan Army didnt attack.

Finally the power of GrizzleHelm in the begining of it time.

Tell me what you think? Feel free to post.

May 28, 2009
That would be so cool! They should make a special quest that lets you go to the worlds at past time periods!